11. The Fight

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BAILEY walked into the living room, John was in the kitchen

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BAILEY walked into the living room, John was in the kitchen.

Bailey decided to ask him, a question. Considering he knows a lot of things.

"John I uh have a question." Bailey spoke aloud.

"Well what is your question, I don't have all day now." John began to make a cup of coffee.

Bailey took a deep breath. "What's the Scarlett Witch?"

John almost dropped his cup, when he heard that. "I'm sorry what?"

"What's the Scarlett Witch or who are they?" Bailey asked her question again, knowing John could hear her.

Before he could answer, there was a knock on the door.

"Ah you should probably get that mate, might be one of your school friends, Beth is it?" John drank the coffee.

Bailey scoffed before going towards the door. She opened it and currently wasn't expecting to see Rick Tyler.

"Rick?" Bailey went outside and shut the door. "What are you doing here? Is everything okay? Wait no, school. It's school isn't it?"

Rick nodded. "Yeah, did you forgot that we go to school everyday?"

Bailey went in the house and ran up the stairs. "Yes, I did. Hang on I gotta get my backpack. You can come in if you like."

Rick stood in the house and waited patiently, John took notice of the guest and approached him.

John put his hand on Rick's shoulder. "How are you mate, what's your name?"

"Rick, Rick Tyler sir." Rick answered the question.

"And what connection do you have with Bailey?" John looked at Rick in curiosity.

As Rick was about to think of an answer.

"John! Stop questioning him! We got to get to school." Bailey pushed Rick out of the house as she gave John a look.

"Sorry about him, he normally isn't like that." Bailey apologized as she got in the car.

"It's alright." Rick shrugged his shoulders.

"If you say so." Bailey mumbled.

Rick walked into school, Bailey alongside him.

Courtney later joined them, then Beth and Yolanda. (They were having their main character moment right here) They all made eye contact with eachother.

Suddenly Cindy walked into Courtney, bumping shoulders.

"Watch where you're going losers." Cindy walked off.

Courtney sighed. "Why is Cindy Burman so mean?"

"She's always like that." Yolanda answered.

"Well not exactly." Bailey mumbled.

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