5. Bailey The Freak Constantine

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Bailey walked in the school alone, that was until Courtney walked up to her

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Bailey walked in the school alone, that was until Courtney walked up to her.

"Bailey please talk to me." Courtney begged. "I texted and called you almost last night and you didn't answer."

"There's nothing to talk about, just leave me alone." Bailey snapped as she began to walk away.

"But Bail-" Courtney started before Joey, another student approached her.

"Hey. Your new here. Right? What was your name again?" Joey asked.

"Ah look!" Cindy pointed at Bailey, who was walking alone. "It's the weirdo Bailey Constantine, what a ridiculous last name." Cindy snorted, Bailey ignored her.

"Aw, is Bailey the freak Constantine gonna cry? Is she gonna cry?" Cindy made a pouty face as she laughed.

Bailey went into the girls bathroom with tears threatening to fall.

Courtney looked at Bailey, feeling sorry for what had happened to Bailey, she examined Yolands's locker.

She was about to go up to Cindy when Yolanda tugged her arm. "Don't do that. You're gonna make it worse for the both of us, including Bailey I guess." Yolanda walked away.

Bailey was in the bathroom crying. "So stupid." Bailey called herself as she looked into the mirror. "I'm a freak." Bailey called herself names. "Weirdo." "You're a freak, Bailey Constantine." She told herself.

"Maybe being a freak is a good thing, makes you different from everyone else." A voice said, Bailey turned around and saw Beth.

"Yeah right." Bailey retorted. "Being different from everyone is what makes you a freak."

"Being different doesn't make you a freak Bailey." Beth reasoned. "That makes you unique and special." Beth smiled at Bailey. "Also I think Constantine is a cool last name." Beth commented, Bailey smiled at Beth and laughed.

"You really think so?" Bailey asked, Beth nodded. "I do." Beth smiled, the two girls left the bathroom, one headed to class while the other headed to Cindy.

"Ah the freak isn't crying anymo-" Cindy was cut off by a punch to the face, another punch was added, Cindy's nose was bleeding now as Bailey tackled her to the ground, still punching.

A lot of people looked shocked to see that Bailey Constantine had finally broke and had enough strength to stand up to her, well almost everyone. Rick Harris only smirked.

Moments later, Bailey Constantine was off of Cindy and was given a lunch detention. "Such a bitch!" Cindy screamed at Bailey, Bailey gave her the finger in reply.

"Anger would be good for a superhero like her, Bailey Constantine." Courtney thought to herself, the two girls made eye contact.


Bailey was in lunch detention, she wasn't suprised that Rick Harris was in there as well.

"Didn't know you have it in you, Constantine." Rick commented as they were wiping the teachers board. "Yeah well, that bitch deserved what she got." Bailey said.

"What did you do? To end up here." Bailey asked. "Nothing really, just late to third period for the fifth time I believe." Rick answered.

"You're joking." Bailey didn't believe him. "Telling the truth, would never lie." Rick stared at the clean boars.

"That's bullshit then." Bailey put her sponge down, Rick did as well. "It is indeed, Bailey Constantine." The two smiled at one another before leaving the room.


Bailey was walking home from school when Courtney appeared beside her, slightly shaken.

"I understand if you don't want to talk to me, but I have to tell you something." Courtney said, Bailey looked at her, waiting for her to go on. "I'm a superhero and my dad was too."

After that statement, the two girls walked in silence.

"Prove it." Bailey said as she followed Courtney to her house, moments later a staff appeared. "Woah buddy, she's a good guy." Courtney talked to the staff, Bailey looked at Courtney as if she was crazy.

"What does the staff do?" Bailey asked. "You know how the sign at school is ruined." Courtney said, Bailey nodded.

"Well, the staff did that as I was fighting someone." Courtney explained, the staff started to move slightly. "It has a mind of its own, but the staff listens to me and it works for me." Courtney explained further.

"What you did at the open house was amazing and cool." Courtney gushed, Bailey looked at Courtney with sad eyes.

"Even after figuring the truth." Bailey started. "You don't think I'm weird?" Bailey's voice cracked, as she stood outside Courtney's house.

"What?" No!" Courtney pulled Bailey into a hug. "I think you're amazing and to be honest, you're a great fighter." Courtney referred to memories that happened early in the day.

"I try." Bailey sent Courtney a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow Courtney."

"Court." Courtney said her nickname. "I'll see you tomorrow, Court." Bailey waved at Courtney who waved back.

(A/N: Feel free to vote or comment. Courtney and Bailey's friendship>>>)

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