4. Open House

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Bailey couldn't sleep all night, the girl was frightened, she stayed awake as the memories could probably come back anytime now

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Bailey couldn't sleep all night, the girl was frightened, she stayed awake as the memories could probably come back anytime now.

Bailey saw a light in sky, she jolted out of the bed and looked out the window and saw nothing.

"Either I'm dreaming or I'm going crazy." Bailey mumbled as she decided to head to bed.


Bailey walked into school with Kara and Vivian by her side, she wasn't happy that they were with her but John made a whole list on why they should come.

Bailey looked at the list, "One, they would be helpful." Bailey mumbled as she threw the list in the trash as she went to math, leaving Kara and Vivian alone.

"What do we do now?" Kara asked as she pushed her glasses that Vivian gave her to help her disguise. "We do the one thing we can do-" Vivian spoke. "We spy on Bailey." Vivian began to walk in the classroom, Kara right behind.


Vivian and Kara was spying on Bailey from afar, the girls were now in English.

Courtney walked up to Bailey. "Hi." Courtney sat down next to her.

Bailey looked at Courtney for a moment before she noticed something.

"What happened there?" Bailey pointed to the cut on Courtney's head.

"Oh, I was skateboarding and I fell." Courtney lied.

"Mhm." Bailey knew she was lying but she didn't say anything.

Bailey and Courtney were assigned to be partners on a project. "So since we're partners, Can I have your number? So we can you-know." Courtney began to trip over her words before Bailey wrote her number on the paper and handed it to Courtney.

"You shouldn't have asked, Courtney Whitmore." Bailey mumbled as she left the class as soon as the bell rang.


Bailey was at the open house with John, she didn't want to be here, but John thought this would be a perfect time for her to make more friends.

Principal Bowen began to speak into the microphone, Bailey tuned out her words and went to sit down in one of the hallways reading a book.

Moments later, Courtney headed down that hallway, Courtney didn't notice she was there.

Courtney began to walk further till Mr. King stopped her. "So, It's you." He said, walking up slowly. "Hello. Courtney." He took his glasses off, Bailey put the book down and stood up behind Courtney in confusion.

"Stay away from me." Courtney began to back away from him, she bumped in Bailey in the process.

"You're Starman's daughter, is that it?" He asked, ignoring her statement. "You keep thinking of him over and over."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Courtney fibbed.

"Yes you do." He said, students walked passed.

"You'll pay for what you did to my dad and the JSA." Courtney said, trying to act brave.

"You're frightened." Mr. King spoke. "Your father was frightened, too. Of so many things."

"You are going to give me the cosmic staff." He ordered Courtney. "You're going to come back here with it a
at midnight."

Courtney began to groan and he entered her mind. "Your mother... Barbara... I will kill your mother, if you don't give me the staff. Do you understand? I'll make it look like she had a stroke. I will make sure her death is extremely painful."

"Midnight." When he finished, he looked at Bailey.

"And who might you be?" He asked, looking into Bailey's eyes as he tried to read her mind. "And why can't I read your mind clearly?" Bailey looked at him as she didn't have answers.

Bailey began to feel his force and fell to the ground. (A/N: You'll know how in wandavision, in the last episode and she kind of like falls to the ground and I think she's choking the people as she does idk, but just imagine that, I'm bad at describing thing :/) Bailey cried and her force was felt by the school. (A/N: like how wanda cried when pietro died and her powers did this thing, yeah)

Bailey got back up, stronger, "I don't know who you are or what any of this is but you better leave us alone." Bailey put her hands together and formed a ball of energy, Courtney and Mr. King watched in suprise and Bailey pushed past his force field and threw him down the hallway.

"How did you do that?" Courtney began to ask questions but it was too late, Bailey was gone.

(A/N: I thought about having Norman being in this chapter but then I was like nah. Feel free to vote or comment. Also this is not proofread so if stuff sounds wrong or is spelt wrong let me know. :)

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