3. Movie Marathon

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The girl from the ship was now in the house, they explained to her where she was, they found out that the girls name was Kara Zor-El but Vivian thought that Danvers would be a better and normal last name

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The girl from the ship was now in the house, they explained to her where she was, they found out that the girls name was Kara Zor-El but Vivian thought that Danvers would be a better and normal last name.

Bailey was hoping that anyway, Bailey was currently in the library with Beth. Bailey got up and went to look for a book that was related to their topic and that was when she heard the voice again.

"Bailey in the library, A king wouldn't do that." The voice warned, as well as surprised her, causing Bailey to stumble.

"King? What does that mean?" Bailey questioned in her mind and was suprised by the mysterious voice response. "You'll know the truth soon enough." And with that the voice left Bailey's head, she was confused to say the least.

Bailey ended up finding the book she was looking for, as she was going to take it from the shelf, someone took it from her.

Bailey looked at the person who had taken the book and wasn't expecting to see him, Rick Harris.

"Finder Keepers, Losers weepers Constantine." Rick said. Bailey huffed "Rick Harris in a library, I must be dreaming." Bailey exclaimed quietly, Rick rolled his eyes as he walked away, Bailey huffed quietly as she went to find another book.


Bailey was now reading the book, she picked out at the library when Vivian came in her room. "Hi." Vivian waved at Bailey, who waved back. "What are you doing here, if you don't mind me asking?" Bailey asked as she looked away from her book.

"Well Kara and I were kind of bored while you were at school and now that you're home." Vivian was talking and Kara came in the room and took over.

"We was wondering if you would stop reading that damn book." Kara took the book and threw it. "And watch movies with us." Kara sent a smile at Bailey that she couldn't resist. "Fine, I guess I'll watch movies but Harry Potter or marvel?" Bailey asked.

"Easy, marvel-" Vivian began to speak. "Harry Potter." Kara interrupted her. "I read all the books like 30 minutes ago." Kara bragged.

"Well You could probably read all the marvel comics in an hour with your speed." Vivian reasoned. "Probably." Kara thought. "How about we just watch marvel and Harry potter?" Bailey suggested, the girls nodded.


"I can't believe he's dead." Vivian cried over Cedric's death. "You think that's sad, what about Natasha's death in Avenger Endgame?" Kara was still crying as they had watched Endgame a couple of hours ago. "Both deaths were just sad overall, Bailey why aren't you crying?" Vivian blew her nose.

"Oh, Would you look at that, the basket of popcorn need more popcorns, gotta go." Bailey jumped off the couch and went to the kitchen.

Bailey was cooking popcorn when memories that weren't hers starting going into her head.

Bailey fell to the floor, taking in the memories, she saw her being tied up and women were attacking her but she absorbed their powers and killed them all, another memory came in, she was now talking with a man who was blue and looks icy. 'They must be having a conversation' Bailey thought.

Another memory flooded into her head, the person was fighting her.

(A/N: Feel free to vote or comment. :)

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