ep 7 void fist vs demon fist

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Soon back at the monster association base

gyoro gyoro: "the hero association have been greatly weaken by our attacks yet our greatest weapons have yet to wait thier turn, the monster association victory is overwhelming imminent, oh monster king Orochi"

"Wonder how the hero association respond"

Soon back with the hero association

Association member: "we lost contact with the A class heroes in city I"

Beard guy: "they need back up summon a class S hero to"

Hero with a gun arm he would be known as class A death Gatling: "hold it, i been hiding under the rumble until reinforcement arrived"

Hero with a gun arm he would be known as class A death Gatling: "hold it, i been hiding under the rumble until reinforcement arrived"

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"Some class A heroes are now on the scene, with these numbers we can handle this"

Flashy flash: "no you'll fail, to fight a foe with inadequate force only heighten the damage to one self"

Death Gatling: "are you saying we're inadequate"

Flashy flash: "just shut up and watch" soon he would disappear as he would stab each eye of the monster octopus as it bleed green

Death Gatling: (so that's class S power) soon the monster would go berserker hitting whatever was near it

Smile man hero: "don't ya think this is causing even greater damage" they would move away as the notice a tentacle moving towards them

Soon  galting would fire many bullets from his gut arms to stop the tentacle as they ran away

Smile hero: "did you stop it"

Galting: "all i did was piss it off" soon it would prepared to attack as flashy flash would start to get ready

Flashy flash: "i have to go all out" he would soon notice it stop moving and started floating as being forcedly move up

Butterfly hero: "over there, that's terrible tornado"

Tornado would close her hand as her powers would crush the octopus turning it into a flesh ball of blue then dropping it to the ground

Tornado: "hey you there, why are you standing around like a bunch of idiots while we're so obviously short-handed"

Smile hero: "we were fighting the octopus but-"

Tornado: "i don't want to hear it, especially you flashy flash, i thought you were supposed be class S but now I'm not so sure useless moron" she would soon fly away

Flashy flash: "big talk for the air headed woman who butt in to steal my kill, yeah that's right you better run"

The other heroes worry as the butterfly hero said: "what if she hears you, you're going to get all of us in trouble"

Flashy flash: "hmph you forget yourself " he would soon walk away

Galting: (we couldn't do a damn thing) it seems gyoro gyoro was watching them from a eye flying around

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