the Deep sea king vs crimson blade

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At another day it seem the city was in peace until it seems like a giant sea folk monster came to the surface as it was shape like a octopus and was a large figure as his mouth was sideways

Octopus sea folk: "hahaha, you will surrender the surface to us, the clan of the sea folk"

It seem mumen rider would try to ride his bike towards the location

Octopus sea folk: "therefore you shall become nourishment bipedal human scum" soon he would notice saitama with Luca as she decided to join as well as a C hero rank as ice witch

"What a head, are you related octopus by any chance and you with those ridiculous horns"

Soon he would be punch away as his upper half would be just gone as Luca see his blue blood: "ew"

Luca: "well he said sea folk so he probably wasn't alone"

Saitama: "yeah lets look for the others as our group split up to cover more ground"

They would walk away as mumen rider would soon be at the area as he saw the results of what saitama did

Random Citizen: "look at this, i heard it was the same guy again"

Random Citizen 2: "what was his name"

Random Citizen 1: "i forgot but he was super strong"

Later it would seem he check his computer about saitama and the other new heroes that were affiliated with him as it read the comments

He takes out every opponent with a single punch

The reply: didn't he turn out to be a fraud

Other person: yeah he steal credits from others along with his friends from B rank

The reply: yeah he just a lousy class C with friends of those who can fight


Mumen rider: "Class C, i never seen him before, i got to keep up"

At the next day

At the ocean it seems more yellow eyes glowed as more sea folk starts coming out of the sea from the beach as each of them were a tiger threat level and about 10ft or larger

Woman: "ahhhh help somebody"

Yellow octopus sea folk: "we are the clan of the sea folk, now rule the surface humans, it is useless to resist" he would grab a citizen which soon something would drill his tentacle which seems to be a man in black with a bamboo spear with a drill shape tip

"You'll pay for that human"

Stinger: "don't worry the class A hero stinger is here, I'm just in 11th in rising in the rankings but I'm the first one here to help, at your service everyone"

Stinger: "don't worry the class A hero stinger is here, I'm just in 11th in rising in the rankings but I'm the first one here to help, at your service everyone"

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