EP 11 and 12 reunion

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Death Gatling: "everyone assemble here is a veteran who face death countless times, I'm personally pick and brought in the heroes i know are the best just to hunt your ass down"

Garou: "so there's the best huh hehehe, I'm sure you're proud of your squad but i call bullshit, I'm not even seeing 1 class S here, doesn't the hero association understand how dangerous i am"

"These bargain baseman dogooder and their halloween costumes are nothing but a joke"

Death Gatling: "so even a criminal like you cares only about Class S"

Garou: "huh"

Death Gatling: "Class S heroes are worship, they get payed the big bucks by the hero association and they get let in classified information that the rest of us would never be preview to, we're all heroes but we're not equals"

"The rankings is to decide who's on top are so subjective so many heroes never get a chance to be recognized, they may not be class S but this crew is tough as hell"

"You manage to get all this attention for taking out class S heroes, that makes you the perfect target for proving my point"

Garou would soon Chuckle a little: "hmph that explains the lack of class S you guys are itching of taking all the credit" he would turn towards the shack knowing Tareo is there

"Any kid who heard you would be so let down" his eyes widen when he starts feeling the effects of the poison arrows (it's hard to breathe, i feel dizzy too, the poison)

"Heh i heard, there's some monsters association kicking your hero teeth in, you sure a guy like me should be your priority, if you didn't know there's a hostage out there that needs rescuing"

Death Gatling: "once we brought you in, we'll deal with all that wherever there's a upstart monster, we'll be there to face it head on and take it out" soon loris seems to sneeze about something then continue on his way

Garou: (these guys are a test, each one a step on my long path of becoming a true monster, I'm not backing down) soon smile man swing his hammer towards him swing his attachable ball at him as garou dodges

Shooter would fire a barrage of arrows from the air as chain toad would attack with his chains

Garou would jump back and flip to avoid both attacks but stumbles a bit

Stinger: "the poison is kicking in"

Death Gatling: "he can't take much more of this" garou would he breathing hard

Garou: (it takes one step at a time, just one step) soon he would remember something from the past as he was a kid

Kid 1: "did you watch justice man yesterday"

Kid 2: "yeah he finally use a new attack justice fire kick"

Kid 1: "it was so cool"

Kid 3: "totally but know the best part, the way crab demon died"

Kid 1: "i know right remember his face when Justice man saw the egg he was trying to hide" soon the boys laugh

Kid garou: "yeah but crab demon almost had him, when moth woman and little justice join it, it was 3 on 1 but against those odds crab demon never, ever gave up"

Kids: "huh, for real"

Kid 1: "you were rooting for crab demon"

Garou: "he was only trying to protect his home, to stop population in the ocean, he was standing up to the whole world, all by himself, if he just been a little stronger I'm sure he would've won" (i feel so sorry for him)

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