S3 ep 14 turn around

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Lux would swing her blade to blow away the smaller black sperm

Homeless emperor: "taking you a while to kill her" soon he move his orbs of light to make a streams of light to chase after tatsumaki who was flying around the sky

Bang would watch the streams from afar

Bang: "what's this an aurora, no q bunch of balls of light, they're after tatsumaki"

Lux would get hit but soon slash forward as she would unleash a furry of slash to make a tornado around her to send them flying in pieces

Black Sperm: "man that energy is limitless and she's not getting down"

Homeless emperor: "be patient, black sperm was it, have you ever listen to a symphony'

Black sperm: "huh?"

Homeless emperor swirl his arms as the lights follow his moment to follow Tatsumaki as she was flying around them: "it's one of the ultimate forms of beauty made by bringing all kinds of sounds into a perfect balance with each other"

Black Sperm 2: "heh look like this snob here" soon a explosion appear on the sky as they change shape into a light show as it look like a small planet was around Tatsumaki

Bang: "No!" Soon tatsumaki would fall as it was revealed to be a fake

Black sperm: "a decoy, she swap it somewhere with the stream of lights, what a petty trick"

Homeless emperor: "what?" He was about to walk away as he turn to see lux to cut him across the face as he would fall down in pain

Homeless: "weren't your cells covering here"

Lux: "i simply blew them away" (wait his skin it cut too easily)

Black sperm would smile as the clones would surround her as she would slash them as homeless emperor would get back up

Black Sperm: (this guy's body is that of a normal human, if i allowed her to move more she would've cut him up, welp better find another opportunity to get him from behind)

Soon Tatsumaki would be slowly walking injured to meet up with Fubuki's group

Fubuki: "sister" she would see blood over her sister's head as well as a broken arm: (no way for my sister to be in this state) soon Radia other machines soon reach to her as Geno's nano machines would start auto repair

Soon tatsumaki energy would spike up filled with rage as black was over her face with intense pupils

Tatsumaki: "I can't believe this i told them as clear as day that they couldn't allow you to participate, I'll have a few words with sekingar and child emperor, so Fubuki where's the piece of shit who hurt you?"

Fubuki: "wait you got it wrong i came here on my own free will, and these injuries are my own doing" soon Fubuki energy would decrease as she seems calm down

Tatsumaki: "well hurry up and go back home then, there are some fodder left, if you stick around you'll get in my way"

Radia: "fodder, at your current state your psychic ability won't be enough to restrain them" she press a button on her arms as soon it seems the robots except Delta would fuse together to make a super Mecha suit for her as she jumps inside the giant Mecha suit as she plans to enter the battlefield

Radia: "fodder, at your current state your psychic ability won't be enough to restrain them" she press a button on her arms as soon it seems the robots except Delta would fuse together to make a super Mecha suit for her as she jumps inside the gia...

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