44 Don't Look Back

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Sam opens his eyes wide as he sits on the mattress, looking around, confused, and breathing heavily.

Rose walks into the room.

'Hey.' Sam says, his voice sounding rough.

She smiles, hiding what she is really feeling. 'I am happy that you are out of bed.' She hugs him: 'You look much better.'

'I do not feel that well.' He looks back in the mirror.

'Now, you gave us a scare.' She admits. Dean walks into the room. 'Sammy, thank god.' He pulls Sam into a tight embrace. Rose walks away.

Dean and Sam sit at the table: 'Okay. Dean... what happened to me?'

'Well, what do you remember?'

'I-I saw you and Bobby, and I felt this pain. This sharp pain, like... white-hot, you know, Rose was yelling. I do not remember what, and then you started running at me, and... that is about it.

Nighttime. A cemetery gate opens, and Jake enters, walking towards a crypt. Dean stands behind a large tomb, a gun in hand.

'Howdy, Jake.' Sam says, gun in his hand, pointed at the ground.

Bobby and Ellen appear from the shadows, guns raised.

'Wait... you were dead. I killed you.'

Rose walks past Dean and ends next to Sam: 'Dead is a mysterious thing, Jake.'

Dean looks at her, shakes his head and concentrates again.

Jake laughs: 'Hey, Lady, do me a favour. Put that gun to your head.'

Ellen shakily points her gun at her temple.

'See, that Ava girl was right. Once you give in to it, you can learn all sorts of new Jedi mind tricks.'

'Why do you not try them on me.' Rose challenges.

Ellen lets go of her gun. And then it flies away, aiming at Rose now.

'Maybe.' Jake says; the gun changes positions again. This time it aims at Sam: 'But I'm smarter than that.'

'Shoot him.' Sam shouts.

'So, brave.' Jake says, taking a step: 'But you will not survive this time.'

'Everybody put your gun down.' Jake comments: 'You as well.' He points at where Dean is. He gets out and drops his gun. Three guns fall on the ground; only the one pointed at Sam stays in the air. Sam looks aside when Jake turns and nods at Rose.

Jake pulls the Colt out of his pocket. Rose speeds and takes the gun out of the air. She fires, and blood spatters on her face. Ellen and Bobby walk past Sam, and they stare at her, Rose. Dean walks over to look at Jake, then Rose, who wipes the blood from her face.

The five of them look over to the crypt as two separate engravings on the crypt spin in different directions, then stop.

'Oh no.' Bobby says.

'What is it?' Ellen asks.

Bobby looks at Rose, and she answers: 'It is hell.'

Black demon smoke starts to pour from the crypt, with individual trails of smoke haring off in different directions. Bobby and Ellen, Dean, Rose and Sam take cover behind some tombstones nearby.

'What the hell just happened?!' Dean asks.

'That is a devil's gate. A door to hell.' Rose says again. The railway iron is bent in two, with two legs crossing, while a black demon smoke trail goes the other way. 'Stay here.'

Dean takes her arm: 'What do you think you are doing?'

'I have to close that thing.'

Bobby looks at Rose: 'You are not doing that alone.'

'We do this together.' Sam decides, and Ellen nods.

Dean checks the Colt for bullets: 'If the demon gave this to Jake... then maybe...'

Thunder crashes, and the Yellow-Eyed Demon appears behind Dean. He flings the Colt out of his hand and into his own. Dean looks astonished. 'Boys should not play with Daddy's guns.' He throws Dean into the air, where Dean hits his head on a tombstone and lies there, stunned.

Bobby, Ellen and Sam are struggling to close the crypt door. Rose runs in front of Dean. She hears his heartbeat. She smiles and runs at the demon. Sam turns and sees this: 'No!' Roses clashes with the demon, and the Colt falls onto the ground next to Dean.

The demon stumbles back but recovers fast, holds out his hand, and Rose rises in the air.

Dean stands unsteadily on his legs and points the Colt at the demon.

'I would not do that.' The demon says: 'I will crush the life out of her before that bullet reaches me.'

Dean hesitates. He sees John attack it. Rose falls and starts breathing. Dean takes this moment and shoots the yellow eyes demon in the heart.

Bobby and Ellen finally close the gate doors and turn to see John.

John walks and smiles at Dean, putting his hand on his oldest son's shoulder. Both are teary. Sam approaches; they look at Sam and John, and Sam nod, followed by another look at Dean. John steps back and disappears into white light.

The next day, Rose stands outside: 'Dean.' Her voice sounds soft.

'Is there something wrong?'

'No.' She whispers: 'Nothing is wrong.'

'Come on.' He says, taking her hand.

'I know what you did... for Sam.' She looks at him: 'I understand.'

Their eyes connect. 'You're not leaving?'

'No.' She says: 'But do not lie to me again.'

He nods. She steps closer and kisses him.

Sam, Dean, Ellen and Bobby are talking. She looks at them, and Dean grins at her.

'I am going to Mystic Falls.'

'Damon, don't.'

'I need to get Katherine back.'

She knows it is what he believes: 'Promise me one thing, stay away from Elena.'

Rose Miller: Looking for truthWhere stories live. Discover now