43 Carry On Wayward Son

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Rose looks at Dean. They're standing in Sam's room. When they returned, they noticed Sam wasn't there: 'There is nothing here. But we'll find him.' She tells Dean. He paces up and down the room. He found sulfur; this means the involvement of a demon. 'Let's start by calling Bobby.' Dean nods and takes his phone. Rose looks around the room and sees that the window is open. Strange enough, there is sulfur but no blood.

Bobby, Rose and Dean are parked on the side of the road, poring over a map.

'This is it. All demonic signs and omens over the past month.'

'Bobby, are you joking? There's nothing here.' Dean reacts.

'Exactly.' Bobby says.

Rose hears her phone and walks away to answer: 'Hey Bree, thank you for calling back. Are you able...?'

'Yes, I can do a locator spell. If you want.' She pauses: 'You would need to come here and bring something that belongs to him.'

'Ok, I'll leave now.' She puts her phone away. And returns to Bobby and Dean, who just finished a phone call: 'My friend wants to help. You remember Bree from the bar?' He nods in response. 'Now, I'll go, but I need something from him first. A t-shirt or something.'

'That's good.' He reacts. He is thinking things through: 'Let's get you something. We're going to the Roadhouse to speak with Ash. Maybe he has something.'

Dean and Bobby turn the corner to the Roadhouse. However, when they arrive, the entire building has burned to the ground: 'What the hell?' Dean says and parks his car on the side of the road. They get out of the car and begin walking among the debris. Every single part of the Roadhouse has been destroyed. Dean suddenly bends down and sees Ash's watch in the pile of rubble. He pulls on it and sees it is still attached to Ash's burnt corpse.

At the same time, Rose arrives at the bar. She walks inside and greets Bree at the bar. 'Do you want to get right to it?"

'Yes, if he is in danger....'

'Ok, you can go inside my apartment; everything is ready. I just have to tell them I'll be in the back.'

Rose nods and goes through the door that's behind the bar. It leads to Bree's apartment. It's not big, but it's so lovely and witchy. It has herbs and other ingredients. She sits down on the couch.

'Do you have something from Sam?'

She nods and gives her the T-shirt. She explained everything on the phone. 'How does this work? You'll be able to find where he is, right?'

Bree sits down a candle in front of her: 'This spell will show me an image of where he is now.' She alights the candle: 'Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Sequitas Sanguinem.' She opens her eyes: 'It worked.'

'And?' Rose asks.

'I think I saw him. And in the background was a bell with some kind of engravement. It looked like an oak tree.' Bree puts out the candle: 'I hope this helps, but that's what I can do.'

'I'll call them; maybe they know something about it.'

'Ok, I'll wait.'

Rose nods and calls Dean, who answers immediately: 'Do you have something?' He asks her. You can hear the worry in his voice.

'Put me on speaker.' She tells him and waits: 'Can Bobby hear me?'

'Yes, go ahead.' He says.

'I may have a place. Does a bell engraved with an oak tree say something?' She hopes it does; waiting for them to think it through is worrying. Maybe it's not specific enough, or they have never seen something like it.

'I know where Sam is...' Bobby says: 'Cold oak, South Dakota.'

Bobby and Dean pull up in the Impala near the edge of the woods. They meet Rose, who has just arrived. They open the trunk and grab the gun: 'Let's go!'

Sam is on the ground, winded, and a guy approaches him. He suddenly makes a fast move and kicks Sam, who kicks out himself; the two exchange blows with Sam on the ground, and then he leverages himself up. Each lands multiple blows; one hits Sam's right arm and shoulder with a bone-crunching sound, knocking him down again. He gets up quickly, although clearly in pain.

The guy approaches and swings at Sam, but Sam ducks out of the way and punches through a wooden railing, temporarily holding him. Sam knees him several times, then kicks him down. As the man lies there, winded, Sam picks up the iron bar that the man was using and knocks him out. Sam approaches the unconscious man, considering, and lifts the bar as if to strike – he hesitates a moment, then tosses the bar to the ground.

'Sam!' Dean yells.

Sam hears his brother and turns toward him, still clutching his arm and nearly staggering with exhaustion. He sees Dean and Bobby approaching, with flashlights, towards him. They walk toward each other in the rain: 'Dean.' There is relief in his voice.

Rose comes running from the side: 'Sam... NO!' The man on the ground is still alive. His heartbeat is rising. He stabs the knife right through Sam's back. Dean takes off running for them. Rose is too late; she ignores the man running away and bites her wrist. Sam's eyes are empty. She has to try. She gives him her blood, but nothing happens.

Dean sits at his brother's side, hopeful, but he looks up and sees tears in her eyes. He shakes his head in disbelief.

'It's too late. I'm so sorry.' She says, crying. There isn't anything to do now. It's over.

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