26 There's a Good Times a Comin

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Dean follows the supposedly evil young man. He knows some things cannot be explained. Once, he believed that everything supernatural is evil. His father told him, and he thought it was simple. Now he isn't so sure. He doubts the existence of angels and is confident that this is a spirit or a ghost.

Sam approaches the Gregory spirit cautiously. Father Gregory looks back at Sam: 'Sam. I thought I sent you on your path. You should hurry.'

'Father, I'm sorry. But you're not an angel.'

'Are you sure that guy is going to hurt someone?' Rose asks. Sam told her what happened. He mentioned Dean was following him.

'Of course, I am.' Father Gregory says, answering both questions.

'No. You're a man. You're a spirit. And you need to rest.'

'I was a man. But now I'm an angel. I was on the steps of the church. And when I felt that bullet pierce right through me, there was no pain. Suddenly I could see . . .everything. Father Reynolds, I saw you praying and crying. I came to help you.'

'Help me how?'

Father Reynolds doesn't get it: 'Those murders were because of you?' He asks Father Gregory: 'You're driving innocent people to kill.'

'I received the Word of God. He spoke to me, told me to smite the wicked. I'm carrying out his will so that those innocent people are being offered redemption. Some people need redemption, don't they, Sam?' Sam looks away, he glances at Rose.

'How can you call this redemption?' Reynolds asks Gregory.

'You can't understand it now. Those people, they're happy. They've found peace and beaten their demons. And I've given them the keys to Heaven.'

'No. No, this is vengeance. It's wrong. Thomas, this goes against everything you believed. You're lost, misguided.'

'Father. No, I'm not misguided.'

'You are not an angel, Thomas. Men cannot be angels.'

'But . . . but I, I don't understand. You prayed for me to come.'

'I prayed for God's help. Not this. What you're doing is not God's will. "Thou shalt not kill". That's the word of God.'

Dean sees how the young man slaps the girl. She reacts in fear. It looks like she is trying to leave the car. It doesn't seem to work.

Dean gets out of his car. When he sees the young man has a knife, he runs up to the vehicle. He shatters the window, reaches in, punches in, and slams the man's face into the steering wheel. Dean unlocks the doors, and the woman gets out; he tumbles over the hood to reach her, grabbing her shoulders frantically: 'Are you ok? Are you ok?!'

The woman answers between cries: 'Thank god!'

Behind them, the evil young man has come to and started the car; he drives off. Dean turns his head: 'Dammit! Are you sure you're ok? Do you have a cell phone?'

She nods, still sobbing.

'Call 9-1-1!' Dean runs off and gets in his car to chase the evil young man again.

Fr. Gregory is staring, bewildered, at his own headstone. He turns to face Reynolds, Sam and Rose.

'Let us help you.' Sam attempts.


'It's time to rest, Thomas, to be at peace. Please, let me give you Last Rites.' Reynolds says. Fr. Reynolds lifts his hands in prayer: 'Oh Holy Hosts above, I call upon thee as a servant of Christ to sanctify our actions this day, in fulfilment of the will of God.' Reynolds gasps as Gregory flickers like a distorted image.

'Father Reynolds?' Gregory asks.

'Rest.' Gregory kneels; Reynolds holds a hand over Gregory's forehead: 'I call upon the Archangel Raphael, Master of the Air, to open the way. Let the fire of the Holy Spirit now descend, that this being might be awakened to the world beyond.'

Fr. Gregory glows brightly, then vanishes to a short soft angelic chorus. Reynolds lowers his hand in awe.

Dean sits behind the steering wheel. He chases the evil young man more frantically; he grips the steering wheel tightly. They cut across lanes, over grass, and generally cause mayhem; at a cross-street, a small pickup truck carrying long metal pipes screeches to a halt in front of the man's car. A tube spins off the truck bed, bouncing once on the ground and ploughing straight through his windshield. It impales him straight through the chest.

Dean stops the car in shock and gets out: 'Holy.'

Sam and Rose arrive at the motel: 'You're not coming?'

'I'm staying outside. I need to make a call.'

'Ok.' He goes inside and starts talking with his brother. Rose walks a little further and dials Damon's number.

'I didn't think you would change your mind this time.'

'I'm not.' She tells him.


'Damon, I'm not going to call Stefan. I think it's important that you call him yourself. You're brothers. Try to talk to him.'

'I don't think he wants to.'

'How do you know if you didn't try?' She asks Damon.

'I'll think about it.' He says and ends the call. She looks down. It stays silent for a while.

She puts her phone away. She knows Dean stands behind her and turns around.

'Sam told me it turned out to be a ghost after all.' He says.

'Yes, it was. Although the spirit believed himself to be an angel.' She doesn't know what to say.

'I don't want you to go even if you believe it's better.' He moves closer to her: 'Aren't you going to say anything?' He asks.

'I'm sorry.' She replies: 'I shouldn't have left.' She got scared, and her first reaction was to run. Coming back after that was even scarier. He takes her hand. She intertwines her fingers with his: 'Dean, you deserve much better than me.'

'That's not true.' He says without hesitation.

She smiles. So much changed. She doesn't see him the same way, but she knows he doesn't see her as the vampire that freed him. She knows he didn't know what to think about her when they first met.

'I want to kiss you. Is that ok?' He leans closer to her but stops before their lips can touch. She glances downwards at the small gap between their lips before meeting his gaze. She closes the distance and presses her lips against his. She holds onto him, deepening the kiss. One of his hands moves to the small of her back.

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