20 Swamp Thing

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Dean is tied to a chair and Rose to another one. Dean is awake, but she isn't. At least Dean and Gordan think so. Her wrists burn. Gordon used vervain on the ropes.

Gordon walks towards them: 'It's your brother.' He holds the phone against Dean's ear: 'Hello?'


'Sam, I've been looking for you.'

'Yeah. Look, I'm in Indiana, uh, Lafayette.'

'I know.'

'You do?' Sam asks.

'Yeah, Rose talked to Ellen. We just got here. It's a real funky town. You ditched us, Sammy.'

'Yeah, I'm sorry. Look, right now, there's someone after me.'

'What? Who?'

'I don't know. That's what we need to find out. Where are you?'

'I'm staying at 5637 Monroe St. Why don't you meet us here?'

'Yeah, sure.'

Gordon walks away and lays the phone down: 'I must have injected too much, and now she doesn't wake up. I think I have a solution.' Rose hears him unloading his bag. He takes a few small blades and dips them in something.

'What are you doing?' Dean asks.

'She is a monster. This is what she deserves.' Gordon answers. He slides one of the blades into Rose's leg and then the next one, and she looks up, her eyes wide open: 'I dip them in a vervain mixture.' He takes the blades back and repeats them again, but she doesn't scream. Gordan moves towards a pipette and fills it with the vervain mixture. She is not going to give in.

'You must think you're original. Everyone uses vervain dipped knifes these days.'

'Oh, I'm sure.' Gordan says, and Dean tries to find the knot. 'But it will still hurt.' Gordan drips the liquid in both her eyes.

Rose concentrates; her hands take hold of the arms of the chair, but she doesn't move too much: 'I bet you learned that from your buddies from Augustine. These are the advanced methods; you should try injecting it.' She hears Dean trying to free himself. His heart is beating fast.

'You were only there to free one of the vampires they captured, don't pretend you know anything. You don't have to worry; he is back in his cell.'

Rose's eyes widen, and Dean asks: 'What are you talking about, capturing vampires?'

Gordon stops and turns towards Dean: 'They experiment on them to figure out more of their weaknesses and find an easier way to kill them.'

'Maybe they're human, but I know monsters with more humanity than them.' Rose spits out.

'They told me that I should bring you there. You can see your friend, and they can do more research. Why did you let them live?' Gordon says to her.

'You didn't kill them?' Dean asks.

Rose ignores Gordon: 'I don't want to be the monster they expect to see, to kill.'

Gordon throws some vervain on Rose: 'This is fun, but that's not why we're here.'

'I know me and Sam aren't exactly your favourite people. And she definitely isn't, but don't you think this is a little extreme?'

'What do you think this is? revenge?' Gordon asks.

'Well, we did leave you tied up in your own mess for three days.'

'Now that's not what this is. This isn't personal. I'm not a killer, Dean. I'm a hunter. Your brother is fair game.'

'So, you think he is the next big evil thing out there.' Rose laughs.

'Actually, yes. See, I was doing an exorcism down in Louisiana. The teenage girl seemed routine, some low-level demon. But between all the jabbering and the head-spinning, the damn thing muttered something about a coming war. And I don't think it meant to; it just kind of slipped out. But it was too late. Piqued my interest. And you can make a demon talk; you got the right tools.'

'And what happened to the girl it was possessing?' Dean asks.

'She didn't make it. Anyway. This demon tells me there are soldiers to fight in this coming war. Humans fighting on hell's side. Do you believe that? They're psychics, so they're not exactly pure humans, but still. What kind of worthless scumbag have you got to be to turn against your own race? But you know the biggest kick in the ass? This demon said I knew one of them. Our very own Sammy Winchester.'

'Oh, this is ... this is a whole new level of moronic, even for you.' Dean says.

'Yeah? Come on, Dean. I know. About Sam's visions. I know everything.'

'Really? Because a demon told you?' Dean says.

Rose chuckles: 'Gordon, you know they lie, right. Torture doesn't make monsters tell the truth, not necessarily.'

'I did my homework. Made damn sure it was true. Look, you've got your Roadhouse connections; I got mine. It's how I found Sammy in the first place. About a month ago, I found another of these freaks in town. He could deep-fry a person just by touching them.'

'Oh, I wish he was here. He could make us fried chicken or something.' Rose jokes.

'Did he kill anyone?' Dean asks.

'Well, besides Mr Tinkles the cat? No. But he was working up to it. They're all going to be killers, Dean. We've got to take them all out. And that means Sammy too.'

'You think Sam's stupid enough to walk through that front door?'

'No, I don't. Especially since I'm sure that you found a way to warn him. Do you really think I'm that stupid? No. Sammy will scope the place first; see me covering the front door. So, he's going to take them back. And when he does, he'll hit the tripwire. Then –' Gordon takes a grenade: 'Boom!'

'Come on, man. I know Sam, okay, better than anyone. He's got more of a conscience than I do; I mean, the guy feels guilty surfing the Internet for porn.' Dean tells Gordon.

'Maybe you're right, but he will be a monster one day.'

'How? Huh? How's a guy like Sam become a monster?'

'Beats me, but he will.'

'No, you don't know that.'

'I'm surprised at you, Dean. Getting all emotional. I'd heard you were more of a professional than this. Let's say you were cruising in your car and had little Hitler riding shotgun. Back when he was just some goofy, crappy artist, you knew what he would turn into someday. You'd take him out, no questions, am I right?'

'That's not Sam.' Dean says.

'But maybe you wouldn't.' Gordon says, 'She is still around, and she is a monster, no doubt about that one.'

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