2 Bad moon rising

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'Rosalie.' He says, and she turns.

He is back: 'You came home.' She states. It's unusual for him to return on the day he promised. Her husband is rarely on time. She doesn't know what to think. She grips the sleeves of her dress.

His smile fades: 'Let's have our dinner.'

She nods. In the background, there is movement. The food isn't served yet. He puts his coat away and hangs his hat on the wall. She follows him through a large door in the hallway towards the dining room. She sits and waits for him to do the same: 'And was it successful?' He sells stuff, strange things, they're old items.

'Yes.' He answers: 'I have to be back on the road soon. You know how it goes.'

'Of course.' She doesn't. What he does, what he sells, she has no idea. She isn't interested. When he leaves, she is going to be alone again. It's her and the servants.

Rosalie sits on a bench in the garden outside her house, her ankles crossed. She is amused by her best friend. Alice giggles: 'What do you think?' She spins in her new dress.

'It's amazing. You have to find me one like that.' She says. She likes these kinds of things, so Rosalie praises her.

'Your dresses are specially made for you. I don't think I can find anything better.'

'Maybe you could design one. I have my sister's wedding coming up.'


In a hotel room, Rose is pacing in front of her bed. It's normal. She sinks into the bed. It's not, and she knows it. There is no point in denying it. It was like seeing Richard again, seeing her husband. But it wasn't him. It does make her think back to that time.

She didn't think about her parents or sister as often as she should. The truth is that she misses them so much it hurts. She wasn't there. When she thinks of Alice, it only reminds her of everything she missed.

After her sister married a young handsome man, who she loved, she got children. Rose thinks she would have been a fantastic aunt. She hopes that they were happy.

She wakes up from the sound of her phone. A text from John; they've been in a car crash, followed by the hospital. She'll go but doesn't understand why he wants her to come.

Rose stands outside Dean's room when his heart stops. She hears how it beats, and then it doesn't. She runs into the room at human speed and pushes the button for help.

Nurses arrive. Monitors are beeping, and a doctor and some nurses surround Dean, resuscitating him. 'All clear.'

Sam arrives in shock, tears in his eyes: 'No'. Rose leaves the room because it's not her place.

She doesn't know that Dean's spirit looks at her and is trying to figure out her actions.

Dean turns around and sees the other spirit. 'Hey, you stay away from me!' He runs to the bed and faces the thing down, yelling: 'I said get back' Dean grabs for the spirit; he latches on momentarily before it hurls him back and then soars out of the room.

'We have a pulse. We're back into sinus rhythm.' A nurse says finally.

Dean enters the hallway, looking for the spirit; it vanished. Sam sighs in relief and backs into the hallway, watching from there. Dean stands by his brother: 'Don't worry, Sammy. I'm not going anywhere. I'm getting that thing before it gets me. It's some kind of spirit, but I could grab it. And if I can grab it, I can kill it.'

Sam doesn't hear this and looks past his brother, where he sees a woman with light brown hair: 'Rose, what are you doing here?'

'Sam, I don't really know. Your father called.' She tries to explain herself. She can't see Dean but asks Sam: 'Is he breathing again?'

'Yes, how do you know he wasn't?' He asks without thinking.

Dean looks between the two. She helped him.

'I heard it and called in help... So.'

Sam smiles and nods: 'Can you help him in any way?'

'There is one way.' She holds her arm up: 'I don't think he would want that.'

Indeed, he doesn't want that. She may not be that evil of a vampire; he doesn't want to be one. That is not going to happen.

'How...' Sam realises what she means: 'Oh no, he wouldn't.'

Dean walks through the hospital and tries to find the spirit.

'Can't you see me? Why won't you look at me?' It's someone screaming loud and clear. 'Now what?' He follows the voice through a hallway until he is at the stairway. He sees the girl continuously yelling: 'Somebody! Talk to me! Say something, please!'

'Can you see me?' He asks from the bottom of the stairs.

The girl turns around, looking down at him: 'Yeah.'

He walks up to her: 'All right, just, uh, calm down. What's your name?'


'Ok, good, Tessa, I'm Dean.'

'What's happening to me? Am - am I dead?

'That sort of depends.'

Dean and Tessa stand outside a room, watching what is apparently Tessa's body, hooked up to tubes and machines. A woman sits by the bed, holding her hand.

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