6 Tired of Crying

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Rose wakes up in bed. Jo was supposed to sleep here but never came.

She sits up and tries to shake away her nightmare. She didn't think about that time, not anymore. She would rather forget that part of her past. She was back in his house, where she could feel trapped even when Richard wasn't there.

She stops thinking and gets out of bed. She pulls a jumper over her head and walks to the living room. She sees Jo at the table, looking at her research: 'Hi.' The blond whispers: 'Are you ok?'

She nods: 'I just need some fresh air.'

Dean is twisted up in a very awkward sleep position on a leather sofa. Sirens sound nearby, and he wakes, groaning. Jo sits at the table, twirling her knife and studying notes and blueprints.

'Morning, princess.' Jo says.

Dean grimaces and slowly stands up from the couch: 'Where are the others.'

'Sam just went outside to see if Rose is ok.' Jo replies: 'She said she was fine.'

Sam bursts in. Dean and Jo look up when Sam says: 'There are cops outside. Another girl disappeared.'

Rose follows: 'Teresa Ellis, Apartment 2F. Boyfriend reported her missing around dawn.'

'You got that already?' Sam turns around.

She tilts her head: 'I'm a vampire, Sam. I compelled someone to tell me.'

'I wanted to ask.' Jo interrupts: 'Why are two hunters travelling with a vampire?'

Dean stands up: 'Long story.'

'Sam and I will check the apartment.' Rose says: 'Dean and Jo, you can try to find more in those notes. She doesn't wait for a response.

Sam follows her, and when they're far enough, he asks: 'You have those pictures.'

'I'll tell you about it in the apartment, but I'll only tell you if you promise to keep it a secret.' She glares at him.

'Ok, I won't tell anyone. I won't tell Dean.'

She looks back at him and pushes the door open: 'The sealing is cracked, and there is some ectoplasm.' She sits on one of the dining chairs. 'It's a portrait. Go sit.'

Sam does as she says, and Rose lays the portrait on the table. Sam raises his eyebrows: 'I would say that's Dean, except for the old clothing. When was this taken?'

'A long time ago, I was still human.' She says: 'Around 1860, his name is Richard.' Maybe it's better if he knows. It's gonna come out no matter what she does.

'Ok, and you're sure that this is real.' Sam says: 'You must be; you said you knew him.'

'Yes.' Rose says; she tries to stay calm. 'I was shocked, but he is your brother. He is breathing and has a heartbeat. I immediately knew they couldn't be the same.' The only way would have been immortality: Richard would have become a vampire.

'Ok, this is strange. Are you looking into this?' Sam asks.

Rose wants to answer but takes the portrait of Richard off the table and hides in her bag when she hears something.

Dean walks in: 'What is strange.'

She should consider telling him, but how? Sam only knows so much, revealing more than this.

'It has nothing to do with the case, but we did find ectoplasm here.' Sam tells his brother.

'Ok.' Dean answers. Rose thinks he will make a comment, but he says: ' Come back; Jo thinks she found something.'

'You're going to be in so much trouble.' She tells the brothers: 'If something happens to Jo. Why bring her?'

'We didn't.' Dean replies.

'She found the case.' Sam explains: 'She came without telling her mother.'

That makes sense; she couldn't imagine that Jo was allowed to come on a hunt. 'Even if she's fine, her mother will be angry.'

Jo found that next door used to be a prison: Moyamensing Prison. It was built in 1835 and torn down in 1963. They used to execute people by hanging them in the empty field next door. Herman Webster Mudgett was one of them. It's H. H. Holmes' real name, America's first serial killer. Holmes built an apartment building in Chicago called the Murder Castle. The whole place was a dead factory. They had trap doors, acid vats, and quick line pits. He built these secret chambers inside the walls. He'd lock his victims in and keep them alive for days. Some he'd suffocate, others he'd let starve to death. So, Teresa could still be alive. She could be inside these walls.

Rose stands at the back of the building, a few feet away. She swears she hears something. She lowers her head to the ground, and a faint noise can be heard. She tries calling Dean... Nothing. She calls Sam.

'Rose, did you find anything?' Sam asks.

'Yes, is Dean with you?'

'Yes, wait, I put you on speaker.' Sam says.

'Ok.' She answers.

'We lost Jo.' Dean says: 'And her mother knows she is here. Tell me you got something. It's not the walls.'

'Or maybe it is.' Rose tells them.

'We searched everywhere.' Sam says.

'And what if there was another level?' She suggests.

'This building doesn't have a basement.' Dean says.

'You're right; it doesn't. But I just noticed this. Beneath the foundation, it sounds like there is a room beneath it. I looked at the plans before coming here, and it looks like part of an old sewer system that hasn't been used for a long while, and I think I can hear movement.' Rose says: 'I can try to find an entrance.'

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