•Jailhouse Rock•

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I'm finally publishing the long awaited chapter! Sorry if it's not great, I'm a little out of practice! I hope you guys enjoy it! Vote and comment and let me know what you think! Have a great Friday!!! 💗

December 31, 1968

Dean and I have both been sitting in the living room in complete silence in separate white chairs for a good while now. I'm not sure exactly how long it's been, maybe 15 minutes? I'm starting to think Elvis is just leaving us here to punish us - or me for that matter.

If there is one thing I do know, it's that Elvis one hundred percent knows exactly what he's doing. I'm sure he has some kind of plan already in mind and this awkward silence is probably part of it. The tension in the air is so thick I feel like I could choke. I haven't had the guts to actually look up and make eye contact with Dean yet but I've seen him look over in my direction a couple of times. And of course every time he has I've felt my face start to heat up, and unfortunately for me it's enough that I know Dean has noticed.

 He always notices. And I know he enjoys it too, the fact that he has such an effect over me. It almost makes me want to smack him but at the same time I just want to grab his stupidly beautiful face and pepper it with kisses all ov- what in the HECK is wrong with me?? I shake my head trying to physically shake off that insane thought. I'm starting to sound like a crazy hormonal teenager! I need to stop worrying about Dean and worry about how long it's going to be before I get to see the light of day again.

"Do you think he may have forgotten about us in here?" I hear Dean whisper to my left, a couple of feet away because Elvis made sure to give us some 'breathing room' leave it to my father to be livid and still able to slip in a classic dad joke at the same time.

"Absolutely not!" I whisper yell back. "I don't think I'm ever going to see these chairs, this house, or the light of day again. I'll probably be confined to my room for the rest of my life at this point." I say to Dean.

"Wanna practice again?" He quietly says with his words laced full of confidence.

My head shoots over in his direction quicker than a bullet being fired from a gun and all I can do is shoot daggers at him.

"Whoa, woah", Dean says putting his hands up in defense. "It was just a joke."

"I don't think this is funny by any means." I say matter of factly.

"What's the worst that could happen?" He says nonchalantly.

"I just broke his trust, Dean. He is all I have and I broke his trust. Do you know how hard it is for him to be able to trust someone? It's a huge deal to him so it's a huge deal to me. Honestly I'd take never leaving my room again for the rest of my life if it meant his trust in me didn't waiver."

"He is not all you have, plenty of people here love and care about you." 'Is he one of them?' I couldn't help but to think.

"But Elvis was there when I had NO ONE else. When all I had was a mom who never wanted me and would abuse me, he took me in. He gave me the chance to prove that I am his daughter. And then without much thought after hearing what my life was like he took me in without a second thought about it and has been caring for me since."

"I know you're worried, Audrey. But I also know Elvis would never give up on you or stop loving you. That's not who he is. He's your dad, he loves you unconditionally...Unlike some people's parents" The last part barely audible. The only reason I caught on was because it is so quiet in here you can hear a pen drop. And that made me think, Dean's parents should be coming back for him soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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