• Lazy Days •

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September 10, 1968

I woke up to someone lightly shaking me and saying my name.
"Audrey. Auuudrey. Come on baby, it's time to wake up."
I groan and roll over, covering my face with my pillow. I'm definitely not a morning person. Hey look yet another thing I get from my father.
I heard Elvis chuckle and felt him set something on the bed. I feel something moving around getting closer to me. I finally open my eyes and look down to see Lisa sitting beside me. When she sees I'm awake she squeals really loud before laughing and bouncing up and down. I couldn't help but laugh. I started laughing even harder though when I saw how crazy her hair looked.
"You're laughing at her hair? You obviously haven't seen yours sweetie" Elvis said before he made a low whistling sound.
"What!?" I reached for my head trying to calm it down. I rolled over and up onto my knees to try and climb off the bed and make a run for the bathroom but before I could get off the bed Elvis picked me up and threw me over his shoulder then he picked Lisa Marie up and headed into the hallway.
"Hey! Put me down!" I yelled
"Sorry honey no can do! We're running late, our breakfast is going to get cold."
"Elvissss" I whine.
"Audreyyy" He mocks me.
"I just wanted to fix my hair!"
I said annoyed as he finished walking down the staircase and made his way to the kitchen before setting me down in a chair.
"You look beautiful Audrey. You always do."
"Really, even when your hair looks like you stuck your finger in a light socket. You'll always be beautiful to me!" He kisses my forehead and ruffles my already impossibly messy hair. My jaw drops.
"HEY!!" I glared at him.
He laughs and turns to go put Lisa Marie in her high chair. Meanwhile I'm sitting in my chair trying to comb my hair and calm it down with my fingers.
Mary comes over and slides a plate full of food in front of me. There was bacon, scrambled eggs, sausage patties, biscuits and gravy and even french toast. I feel like I gained 10 pounds just looking at it. I could tell my eyes must have been as big as saucers because Elvis and Mary both busted out laughing at my reaction. Then he went back to eating his food with one hand while feeding Lisa Marie her baby food with the other. Although it seemed like more was getting on her and around her face than actually in her mouth. I glanced at Elvis again and realized he was making a mess of his food too.

Like father like daughter.

Everyone was busy eating so I figured I might as well attempt to eat some of the mountain on my plate.
Mary was the first one to speak.
"So Mr. Presley where's the Mrs. at this morning? Shall I leave her a plate?"
"She's out getting her hair and nails done. I think she's grabbing something to eat while she's out so there's no need to leave a plate. Thank you Mary."
"What are your plans for today then?" Mary asked.
"Well, I have some calls to make. But other than that I figured me and the girls could find something fun to do. What do you think Audi?"
"Wait I'm a car now?"
"Answer my question, butthead."
"I think it's fine as long as your idea of fun isn't sticking me out front with a for sale sign stuck to me."
Mary and Elvis were both in another fit of laughter.
I finished as much of my food as I could. But I didn't even put a dent in the pile of food on my plate.
"Are you done already sweetheart?" Mary asked.
"Yeah I'm stuffed!" I barely got my reply out before Elvis shot up from his chair and yelled "I'll take it!"
My God where does he put it all?!
As Elvis takes my plate he drops it on top of his now empty one and starts chowing down, I excuse myself and head upstairs to get ready for the day. I pick out an outfit and head to the bathroom for a shower. I get out, dry myself off, apply lotion, then I get dressed. After that I head to the mirror and unwrap my hair from the towel it's in before brushing through it. I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I put on my makeup which just consists of Vaseline on my lips. It keeps them from getting chapped and it's shiny. The last thing I do is put on a light coat of mascara. Just to darken my lashes and make them longer. When I'm done I head back to my room and remember I have to take my antibiotics. I really need to get a cup for the bathroom so I don't have to go to the kitchen every time. I grab the bottle and run downstairs into the kitchen. By the time I'm in there Mary is cleaning up and Elvis and Lisa Marie are gone.
"Where'd everybody go?" I asked Mary.
"Your father went upstairs with Lisa. He said he had to go get them ready."
"Okay thank you Mary. I just came down to get a glass of water. I forgot to take my antibiotics again."
"Let me look through the cabinet here and see if I can find a cup for you to keep upstairs so you don't have to run all the way down here every time you have to take it, alright sweetie?"
"Thank you Mary! I'd really appreciate that!"
She turns and goes through the cabinet before finding a cup for me. After I take my medicine I thank Mary one more time before running back upstairs. I take it and put it in the bathroom. On my way back out Elvis must have heard me because he called me.
"Audrey? Is that you?"
"Yeah it's me. Where are you?" I start walking in the direction of his voice.
"I'm in my bedroom. Can you come here?" I make my way into his room where he's attempting to get Lisa dressed. She's crying and kicking and throwing her arms around so much she looks like the wacky inflatable flailing arm tube man on Family Guy. Poor Lisa. I think we all have our days where we feel like doing the same thing because we have to get out of bed and actually put pants on. And poor Elvis looks helpless standing there trying to figure out what to do. He actually looks like he might start crying next.
"Can you help distract her while I get her dressed please?"
"I'll uh, try?"

Wow Audrey that sounds very convincing.

I start talking to her and making faces and by some miracle it actually works. Before I know it she's laughing and a few seconds later she's dressed.
"Wow you're good at that!" Elvis says stunned.
"Embarrassing myself? Yeah, I know."
"No, dork. You're good with her. And getting her to calm down."
"I didn't do anything though. I just made silly faces."
"Well she's either a dork like you and actually found it amusing or she just likes you. Take your pick."
"Wow I have absolutely no idea where I get my sarcasm from."
"I'm rubbing off on you already aren't I?" He smirks.
"Nah, you just bring out the worst in me." I stick my tongue out at him and run off before he can retaliate.
"Are you forgetting something?"
"My payback?" I sigh.
"In due time sweetness. But no, your bandages?"
"How much longer do we have to do this?" I whine.
"Probably until you heal? If you were healed already I'd be worried you were a vampire or something."
"Me a vampire? You're the one who keeps your bedroom so dark you can barely see and it's freezing in here Dracula!"
"I have problems sleeping. I'm a night person. I like being up at night and sleeping during the day. So I have to keep the light out."
"Whatever you say Draccy. But if you're ever feeling hungry, just know I sleep with a stake under my pillow so don't go getting any funny ideas."
"Okay smarty pants. Can you please sit with your sister for a few minutes while I go finish getting ready?"
"I guess so but if she starts acting like the wacky inflatable flailing arm tube man again she's all yours."
Sometime while Elvis was in the bathroom getting ready Lisa and I managed to fall asleep on his bed. I woke up sometime later to snoring. I look and see that Elvis had laid down and fallen asleep too with Lisa Marie curled up to his chest and me next to her. I don't know about you, but I can't think of a better way to spend the day than father daughter napping. I decide to let Elvis and Lisa nap a little longer. I know he doesn't get much sleep and he works hard so he really deserves it. I get up and decide to look around the house for something to do. I settle on sitting outside by the pool. It's too cool to go swimming but it's still okay enough outside to dip my feet in the pool. I lean back on my arms and close my eyes. Just enjoying the quiet and fresh air. Before I know it though I feel myself being shoved into the pool in ice cold water. When I come up for air I see Elvis hysterically laughing.
"A mix of payback and just a perfect opportunity I couldn't pass up on."
"Come here" He waves me over.
I swim over and reach my hands out. He grabs onto my hands and pulls me up out of the water. Then he guides me inside and gets me a towel. I take it and run upstairs and go get some fresh clothes. After I'm done I brush my hair and wash my face. When I come out of the bathroom and head back into my room Elvis is sitting on my bed with fresh bandages in his hands.
"Nooo not this again." I groan.
"I'm sorry sweetie. But we can't have those cuts getting infected. C'mere." He says and pats the spot on the bed next to him.
"I'm sorry I shoved you in the pool. I didn't think about how cold the water would be."
"It's okay, Elvis. I know you didn't mean any harm."
"Did you take your medicine yet?"
"Yeah, I took it earlier."
"Okay, just making sure. Alright we're all done. Are you ready to go get something to eat? We missed lunch because of our nap, but Mary has dinner ready."
"Yeah, where's Lisa?"
"She isn't feeling well, she's asleep right now in her crib. Cilla is taking care of her."
"I hope she feels better soon. I feel bad she's sick."
"It's okay honey, it's not your fault. Now c'mon let's go get some food, I'm starving!" He says.


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