• The Incident •

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September 11, 1968

It turns out Lisa Marie is sick with a cold. She's the only one who has it right now but I'm sure it's just a matter of time before everyone else in the house gets it too. Elvis has been busy all morning making calls so I was on my own. Priscilla has herself locked away with Lisa Marie in her nursery so she can take care of her. She's paranoid about germs and is afraid of letting anyone around her because she fears it might make her sicker.

After a couple of hours of laying in bed reading magazines and watching the small TV Elvis bought for my room I decided I should get up and get around for the day. I head to the bathroom and take my medicine. Then I get in the shower, being careful not to get my bandages wet. After I'm done I get out, dry off, put lotion on, get dressed, blow dry my hair, and apply some vaseline and mascara. Elvis said the amount of makeup I wore was fine but that he refuses to let me wear anything more until I'm older. He says it's not just because of my age but also because I'm beautiful just the way I am and I don't need makeup.

He did get a chance to look at all of my things and was surprised at how little I had. He informed me he was going to take me shopping and buy me more things. He told me we'd go later on today after he was done taking care of some things. I'm assuming that means he's making calls about me and trying to figure out what to do about getting full custody of me and changing my last name. Even though I begged him to not spend any of his money on me, and after saying I'm just fine with what I own. He still insisted and I've learned in just my few days of being with him that Elvis is not someone you want to argue with.

After I'm done in the bathroom I come out and there was still no signs of Elvis so I decided I'd make my way down to the kitchen to see what Mary was up too. It was perfect timing too because as I was about to walk in the kitchen my stomach started growling and I remembered I still hadn't eaten anything today and it was already 12:30 in the afternoon.

I ended up having a hot ham and cheese sandwich, potato chips, baby carrots, grapes, and a glass of ice cold Pepsi. I talked with Mary while I was eating my lunch. She was asking me questions about my life and I asked her some about hers too. It was nice getting to know Mary better and talking with her. I can tell she is a very trustworthy and good hearted person.

Mary was finishing telling me a hilariously embarrassing story about Elvis and how one night he got really drunk and one of the Mafia guys had to carry him upstairs because he had passed out in the downstairs entryway hugging a flower pot he had mistaken for a toilet and thrown up in. "I didn't realize he thought it was a toilet until he tried to flush it! You should've seen how mad he was that it wouldn't flush, he was yelling at everyone telling them to call a plumber!" Mary said before clutching her stomach. I was in tears from laughing so hard and so was she. Just as I looked up to see the tears on her face Elvis walked into the kitchen.

"What's so funny?"
"Oh nothing honey. We're just goofing off." Mary said trying to calm her laughter.
Elvis eyed us suspiciously before having a seat next to me.
I wiped the tears off my face and tried to sober up as Mary and Elvis started talking.
"Is there anything I can get you Mr. Presley?"
"Actually yes, could you please make me the Elvis?"
"Of course! Coming right up." Mary replied.

"What the heck is the Elvis?" I asked, confused.
"First of all little lady watch your mouth. And the Elvis is the best sandwich you could ever eat." Elvis said.
"What's in it?" I ask.
"Peanut butter, jelly, bananas, and bacon."
"BACON!? Ew!" I make a disgusted face.
"Don't knock it 'til you've tried it sweetheart."

We watch as Mary makes the sandwich. I can tell she does this a lot because she's really quick at it like it's just second nature at this point. Before I know it she's done and sliding the plate in front of Elvis. He gets up and grabs a knife before cutting off a small piece and handing it over to me. I hesitate at first just staring at it. I have no problem with any of the ingredients. I just never thought of putting all of these together.

"Just try it!" He says impatiently, waiting for me so he can see my reaction.
I take a bite of the sandwich and my taste buds are instantly happy. I close my eyes and let out a groan as a smile spreads across my face. When I open my eyes Elvis is staring at me with an amused look on his face.
"I told you, best sandwich you could ever eat."
"Yeah, yeah" I wave him off laughing.

Elvis chuckles and then turns and scarfs down his sandwich as I finish mine. He washes it down with pepsi Mary had poured him. Then he turns to see me drinking the last of mine.

"Audrey. What the hell is that?"
"What's what?"
"In your hand. A-Are you drinking MY Pepsi?"
"I-I um, I'm sorry! I promise I'll buy you more!"
He glares at me for a few more seconds before he starts laughing.
"Oh god I got you. You should've seen your face! It's alright baby, you're allowed to have my soda."
I glare at him before getting out of my chair, putting my dishes in the sink and making my way out of the kitchen. Elvis continues laughing.
"Audi. Baby. C-come on. I was just playing! I'm sorry!"
I turn around and give him an evil grin before saying
"I think the only thing in this house you owe an apology to is that poor flower pot in the entryway you threw up in. Did you ever get a plumber to come by and see why your 'toilet' wouldn't flush?" I say referring to the story Mary had told me about earlier.
Elvis' jaw dropped open and he whipped his head over to glare at Mary. It was too late though because she already had her head down pretending to be busy.
"Mary, did you tell her about the incident?" He asked. Before Mary could answer I spoke up again.
"By incident do you mean you getting wasted and throwing up in a flower pot you mistook for a toilet? Where you then got mad because it wouldn't flush so you passed out hugging it and one of the guys had to carry you upstairs?" I asked him.
"Yes, that incident." He said through gritted teeth.
Mary and I started laughing yet again and Elvis closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to contain his anger I'd assume.
"Just go get ready so I can take you to get some things." Elvis sighed.

Elvis took me to some nearby stores where I got some nice clothes. Despite me begging him to not buy me anything expensive Elvis insisted yet again and ended up buying me a few pairs of pajamas, 5 dresses, 5 pairs of jeans, and 5 shirts. He also bought me some more things I'd need like the necessities, deodorant, razors, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste, another toothbrush for when its time to switch mine out. He also bought me several pairs of shoes. He gave me money and we split up for about ten minutes so I could go and buy undergarments. I was thankful for that because it probably would have been really awkward. By the time we met back up we had already been shopping for four hours and we were both getting bored and tired. We decided we'd come back another day to get some other things.

It was around eight by the time we got home. Mary already had dinner ready. Priscilla joined us tonight and luckily she was nice and there were no problems. When we were done eating dinner Cilla excused herself to go back upstairs with Lisa. Elvis helped me carry all of my things up to my room and he even helped me unpack everything. After we got everything unpacked we sat down and he told me he talked to his lawyer about getting custody and explained that the lawyer would be getting in contact with my mom to see if she'd sign her rights away. If she won't willingly then we'd have to go to court. But he assured me everything was fine and told me not to worry about any of it.

We talked a little more and then he changed my bandages for me. By then it was after ten so he told me to start getting ready for bed. He waited for me in my room while I went to the bathroom and changed into some pajamas, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. I headed back to my room and only the lamp was on. I climbed into bed and Elvis tucked me in my covers.
"Sweet dreams honey. I'll see you in the morning."
"Goodnight. Thanks for everything. I love you."
"It's no problem Audi. I love you too. Sleep tight."
Then he kissed my forehead, and shut off my lamp before leaving my room. And just like that, I was out.

A/N - I was planning on getting this up earlier but I got sidetracked because it was Supernatural night! So I'm sorry about that! I hope you all have a great night. 💓

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