• My Father is WHO?! •

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(Audrey's POV)

I wake up to sunlight shining in my window. I glance at the clock and realize its 11:00. Groaning I roll over and bury my face into my pillow. As I'm laying there I try to remember why I'm so tired. Then it hit me.

I stayed up until 3AM cleaning up the kitchen and pulling glass shards out of the hand and wrist with tweezers before cleaning and bandaging it up. I ended up crying myself to sleep again which really isn't much of a new thing for me. I try to push all those thoughts away as I roll back over and sit up. Then I remember that today is the day I start my journey to find my father. In hopes of Mama being wrong about what she said. Maybe if shes wrong, and my Daddy does want me, maybe then I can finally be happy. Maybe he wont hit me and say mean thing to me. Or who knows, maybe I'm just dreaming.

Getting out of bed I walk into the bathroom and look at my reflection. I can barely recognize myself anymore. What once were icy blue eyes, full of life, were now dull and full of pain. I have bags under my eyes, I'm getting paler and my cheeks are getting even more hollow by the day. I sigh and begin pulling my clothes off before climbing into the shower. Trying to be as careful as I can not to get my bandages on my hand wet. That was not an easy task. After my hot shower I get out, put some lotion on, wrap a towel around myself, and then brush my teeth. Then I grab the first aid kit and have a look at my hand. I can tell by looking I haven't gotten all the shards out and it already looks like its getting infected. I think I need to go to the doctor but Mama will never allow that. I decide to re bandage it and try to be careful with it until I can figure out what to do. I put on a new outfit, brush my hair and head out of the bathroom.

I focus my attention back on finding out who my father is. I remember Mama keeps her important papers in a trunk in the attic. Praying I'll find something helpful, I head upstairs into the small, dusty attic. When I get up there I notice the trunk and open it up. Inside I find some old photo albums with pictures of Mama when she was younger, along with Grandma and Grandpa. Under all of those I find my birth certificate.






WHAT?! Elvis Presley?! THE Elvis Presley? The King of Rock and Roll, Mr. hunka hunka burnin' love? I cant believe this. Why would Mama keep this from me all these years? What I find under my birth certificate shocks me even more. Letters, addressed to Elvis Presley from Mama. But what really breaks my heart, is the fact that they all say the same thing. "RETURN TO SENDER"

March 11, 1956- Dear Elvis, My name is Carolyn. We met at one of your Memphis concerts back in January and you gave me one of the best nights of my life. I'm hoping you remember me and what we shared. I'm writing you because I'm in trouble. Mama passed away last month, and Daddy kicked me out because I just found out I'm pregnant. He says he wants nothing to do with me and that I'm an embarrassment to the family name. The baby is yours Elvis, you're the only one I've ever been with. I'm 18 years old and I'm scared. I have no where to go, no money, and now I find out I'm pregnant. I know you're really busy and your career is just starting out but I'm hoping you write back. Sincerely, Carolyn Ann Jones.

May 14, 1956- Dear Elvis. Its Carolyn again. I wrote you about two months ago but you never replied to my letter. I'm about four months pregnant now. I'm already showing. Daddy never let me come back home, hes still angry. Mama's gone, Grandma and Grandpa were kind enough to open their home up to me. But they said I can't stay long. I got a job as a waitress down the street, but I don't think it's enough to support myself and the baby. I'm running out of options and I'm really scared. Please write back. Sincerely, Carolyn Ann Jones.

October 15, 1956- Dear Elvis, It's been months and I still haven't heard anything from you. I gave birth October 10th to a beautiful little girl. I named her Audrey Ellis. Her middle name is after you. She has your eyes, lips, and even your beautiful skin color. She was 6 pounds 5 ounces. I've been working really hard trying to save money to move out. Grandpa is really sick and Grandma has to spend most of the day caring for him. I don't want to be a burden so I'm trying to get out as soon as possible. I want you to know that I don't want your money Elvis. I'm okay with figuring that out on my own. I just want Audrey to have her father in her life. I know you're busy and I understand. I just hope you can find the time to write back. Sincerely, Carolyn Ann Jones.

May 20, 1957- Dear Elvis, It's been over a year since the night we shared that left me pregnant. I saw in the news that you purchased a mansion called Graceland. All of my letters I sent you got returned with return to sender written on them. I went by Graceland a couple of weeks ago with Audrey to try and talk to you about everything but no one would let me in. Your manager came out, I think his name was Tom Parker. I explained to him what happened and he said and I quote "Mr. Presley wants nothing to do with that little bastard or you. He's got far too many other things going on, he doesn't need you as a distraction. Now get out of here and never try to contact Mr. Presley again or I'll see to it that real harm comes to you and that baby." I know you don't want me to contact you but this is the last time you'll ever hear from me. I just want you to know that you ruined my life by getting me pregnant and leaving me to deal with this burden. And because of that I'll do whatever I can to make sure she's never happy as long as I live. Good day Mr. Presley. Sincerely, Carolyn Ann Jones.

No wonder Mama hates me. She's right, I am a mistake. And a burden. I know what I have to do now. I take the letters, my birth certificate, and a few pictures of Mama when she was around 18. I head back down to my bedroom and grab my schoolbag. I empty out my school things and put the letters, birth certificate, and the photos inside my bag. Then I grab all of my clothes, hair brush, tooth brush and tooth paste, and anything else really important that I can fit into my school bag. I grab my stash of money I had been saving up, 100 dollars to be exact. Put it in my bag and zip it up. Surprisingly almost everything I own fits in there because I don't have very many things. I put on my converse and tie them, then I stand up to head to the kitchen. I notice I feel really dizzy and my hand is throbbing, but I just shrug it off and blame it on not eating enough. I head to the kitchen and grab a couple bottles of Pepsi and a few bags of chips to stuff in my bag in case I get hungry. I look around to make sure Mama isn't around, I see her car is gone take a deep breath and head out the door. I decided I'm going to head to Graceland to see Elvis for myself. If he doesn't want me I at least want to hear him say it while he looks me in the eyes. I hope he does want me, because I surely can't come back here. If he doesn't I don't know what I'm going to do. But for now, this is all I've got...

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