•Lets go home•

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I wake up in the hospital again. It's the next day. I was exhausted and had fallen asleep in Elvis' arms crying. I sit up in bed and look around the room. It's empty besides my stuff that's still sat on the chair. I start to get upset. Where's Elvis? Would he really leave me after everything? As soon as I start thinking that the door to my room opens and Elvis and my doctor come walking in. I feel my face light up at the sight of Elvis and the fact that he didn't leave me. He returns my smile and walks over and kisses my temple. "Good morning pumpkin, did you sleep well?" "Yes I did Elvis thank you. I got scared when you weren't here, I thought you'd left and weren't coming back." "Auds, I already missed 11 years of your life because of selfish people. I'm not missing any more. I'm not leaving you, I promise. And sorry I wasn't here when you woke up, I had to go take care of some things. But I'm here now okay?" I nod and shoot him a smile.

"Well, Miss Jones. All your tests are looking good. You surprisingly don't have a concussion after that fall you had. But you are still malnourished and a little dehydrated. I'm going to go ahead and release you but Mr. Presley, please make sure she takes her antibiotics for that infection in her hand and make sure she's drinking lots of fluids and eating at least 3 healthy meals a day. If you do all of that Audrey, you should be feeling better in no time." "Thank you doctor" Elvis replies and shakes the doctors hand. As he leaves the room Elvis turns back towards me. "So are you ready to go, Miss Jones?" He says my last name weird, like it bothers him we don't have the same last name. I make a mental note to ask him about that later. Because right now, I want to get the heck out of this hospital. "Yeah just let me go get dressed." He nods and starts packing up all of my things for me. I head into the small bathroom and put on some of my own clothes. I look at my reflection and I'm surprised by what I see. For the first time in a long time my eyes don't seem so dull. They're a little puffy from crying last night but not too noticeable. My skin isn't nearly as pale as it was, and it's already starting to get its youthful glow back. Thank God, it's nice not looking like I'm related to Casper the friendly ghost. It's amazing what a little water and some food and good sleep will do for a deprived body. I think finally having someone who seems to love me helps too. I don't remember the last time someone actually hugged me. Before I start getting all emotional again I hurry and wash my face and brush my teeth with my things I grabbed from my bag. Then I start to brush my hair. And I actually don't look too bad by the time I'm done.

I walk out of the bathroom and put my things away. I go to pick my bag up but Elvis grabs it from me instead, insisting on carrying it. What a gentleman. I just shrug my shoulders and go along with it. He holds his hand out for me and I grab it. I can't believe how much bigger his hand is than mine. It's weird how many small things you start to notice when you've missed out on so much. We make our way out to the front desk where Elvis signs the release forms and other paperwork. Then he leads me outside to his famous pink Cadillac. He opens the driver door and motions for me to get in and slide over to the passenger side. Then he climbs in and tosses my bags in the back. "Elvis.. Where are you taking me?" "I'm taking you home, darling." "Home where?" "Home to Graceland of course.."

Wait, what?

A/N Hi again! Sorry this chapter isn't as great as the last one. I promise more exciting things will happen in the next one! ☺️🖤

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