• Audrey Ellis Jones •

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(Audrey's POV)

I make my way home from school as usual. Walking slowly, trying to enjoy the fresh air and peace and quiet while I could. It's September so it's just now starting to get chilly outside. My name's Audrey Ellis Jones, I live in Memphis Tennessee. I'm 11 years old, in 7th grade, and I live alone with just my Mama. I don't know who my Daddy is, Mama doesn't like to talk about him. She says he only stuck around long enough to get her pregnant and then left to go back living his dream. Whatever that meant. Mama also said one time while she was drunk that she named me after my Daddy. My middle name that is. That always confuses me because I don't know of anybody named Ellis. I try not to question her much though, because Mama has a bad temper. She hits me a lot. Mama tells me all the time how she regrets having me and wishes she could send me off to live with my Daddy. But she says he'd never want me. Because he's busy with his career and no one wants me because I'm a big mistake.

I let out a shaky breath as I notice Mama's car in the driveway. She's supposed to be at work... This can't be good.

I walk in and the house is quiet. Silently praying that Mama was sleeping so I'd have a break from her yelling and hitting me. I quietly head through the small house to my room. We don't have much in the way of possessions. Since it's just me and Mama and I can't work because I have to go to school money is always tight. I put my things away and head to the bathroom. I look at my reflection in the mirror. I have long medium brown hair, icy blue eyes, full lips, and slightly tanned skin. I'm guessing I get my eyes, lips, and skin color from my Daddy because Mama has brown eyes, thin lips, and pale skin. After I'm done using the bathroom I wash my hands and head to the kitchen to make dinner for Mama. I don't usually eat much because Mama says I'm fat and I need to lose weight. I'm 5 feet tall and weigh around 80 pounds. I make Mama her food and turn to get a plate to serve it. When I turn around Mama is standing there glaring at me. "H-Hi Mama, I'm done making your dinner, I was just about to bring it to you." "Stop stuttering Audrey, your father did that- drove me nuts. "Hurry up with my food I'm hungry" I can smell the alcohol on her breath. I know she's been drinking. "Here you go Mama, I hope you like it. How was your day?" "They fired me." "Oh no, now what are we gonna do?" "You're gonna go get me a beer" She slurred. I sigh as I head to the fridge and grab a beer, as I'm walking back towards Mama my clumsiness gets the best of me and I trip, shattering the bottle as I hit the floor, and crying out in pain as I feel the glass crunching and cutting into the palm of my hand. The next thing I know Mama is flying up out of her chair yelling. She leans down to my level and stares me in the eyes "I wish your father would take you, I don't want anything to do with you, you worthless, fat, ugly waste of space." She spits in my face. Gets back up and stumbles out of the kitchen. That's when I decide I've had enough.

I'm going to find my father, even if it kills me.

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