• A Merry Presley Christmas •

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Christmas Day, 1968

(Audrey's POV)

I wake up to the feeling of something sitting on my stomach. I quickly identify the something as little Lisa Marie when I hear her squeal and then feel her excitedly bouncing up and down knocking the breath out of me.

"Whew, good morning to you too Yisa." I say out of breath before lifting her up and sitting her beside me on the bed.

"Merry Christmas Daddy." I say towards Elvis who's standing beside my bed in his gold pajamas with his messy bed head.

"Merry Christmas sweetheart." He smiles at me before leaning in to kiss my forehead, then ruffles my without a doubt impossibly messy hair. He chuckles then reaches over beside me scooping a wide awake excited Lisa Marie off my bed and into his arms.

"Are ya ready to go downstairs for breakfast and presents?" He asks.

"Yeah let's go!" I say excitedly, suddenly filled with energy.

"I'll race ya! Last one to the kitchen is a rotten egg!" Elvis shouts before he starts to run.

I hurry and try to climb out of my mountain of blankets, pillows, and sheets on my bed. Elvis of course won because first of all, he got a head start. Cheater. And second, I managed to get tangled in my blankets and fell to the floor. Luckily my arms reached out just in time to help ease my fall so I didn't smack my face on the floor. Thank God. I would have hated having a black eye or broken nose on Christmas Day.

When I get downstairs I'm out of breath and see Dodger sitting down at the table drinking a cup of coffee. Elvis is standing there with an amused expression on his face.

"Cheater, cheater peanut butter and banana sandwich eater." I struggle to say while my lungs beg for oxygen and my heart rate slows to its normal rate.

"Oh come on, don't be a sore loser." Elvis teases then chuckles and turns around to sit Lisa Marie in her high chair.

"EL-VIS" Lisa Marie claps excitedly and points towards Elvis. I bite my lip to try and hold back my laughter as I look at the frown now taking over Elvis' face, but fail miserably and find myself gasping for air for the second time this fine Christmas morning. Man karma is so great.

Priscilla then comes in already dressed and ready for the day. "Merry Christmas everyone. What's so funny there Audrey?" Cilla asks while she grabs a mug from the cabinet and heads over to the coffee maker to pour herself a cup of coffee.

"Oh, nothing. Lisa Marie here just keeps calling Daddy by his government name." I say in a teasing voice while reaching out to playfully pinch Elvis' cheek. Elvis glares at me and Cilla giggles in return.

"You drink coffee?" I ask Cilla.

"Of course, helps wake me up and get me ready for the day." She smiles at me then takes a sip.

"I've never had coffee. What's it taste like?" I question.

"Well you certainly don't need it. You already have you fathers endless amount of energy. But here, I guess one sip couldn't hurt." She passes her mug towards me.

I give the coffee a quick sniff. It doesn't smell bad. I shrug my shoulders and bring the mug up to my lips. My face puckers up as I taste the warm liquid.

"Gross it's so, it's so..." I trail off struggling to find the right word to describe the awfulness that just invaded my poor taste buds.

"Bitter?" Cilla offers. I nod in return with a look of disgust on my face. Then I hear Elvis laughing loudly behind me. Cilla giggles.

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