• Home Sweet Home •

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The ride back to Graceland was nerve wracking to say the least. It was filled with complete silence, which I hate. Silence gives me the chance to start thinking and I hate doing that because I start overthinking everything and just stress myself out. All I could think of was how I lied to Mr. Jefferson. And how much Priscilla didn't want me there. And how things were going to work out. I didn't want to be a burden for Elvis. But he seemed really genuine when he said he wasn't better off without me. I just hope me being there doesn't cause too many problems for him and Cilla.
We were about five minutes away when he finally breaks the silence.

"What are ya thinkin' about honey?"
I never really voice my thoughts out loud. Partly because I have no one to voice them too. But also because I never know how to put what I'm feeling into words. I don't even know what I'm feeling half the time. I trust Elvis though. And he seems genuinely concerned about me. So I decide I'll talk to him. I'll just do it later when we have more time and he's not driving.
"Nothing I'm just tired" I mean that's not a complete lie. It has been a long day. And I can't say I'm not looking forward to crawling into that huge comfortable looking bed and going to sleep.
"Okay well we're almost home. Then you can get some rest pumpkin." He says as he glances over at me and smiles.

Thankfully when we get back there's still no fans or anyone blocking the gate. But Mr. Jefferson is still on duty. Uh oh.
"Sir, I'm so glad to see you found her. I'm sorry again for allowing her to leave without making sure you knew she was going."
"Just don't let it happen again Mr. Jefferson. Something really bad could have happened to her. And Audrey? Do you have anything you'd like to say to Mr. Jefferson?" He raises his eyebrows waiting for me to respond.
"Yes sir. Mr. Jefferson I'm really sorry I lied to you. I didn't mean to get you in trouble."
"I'm just glad you're okay Miss Jones. You two have a good night." He smiles at us as he opens the gate to let us through.

Once we get to the house we get out and Elvis grabs my bags again. We head inside and this time we're met with a worried looking Mary. The second she sees me she runs over and gives me a big bear hug.
"Audrey I'm so glad you're okay sweetheart. You had us worried sick! I heard the door slam earlier but by the time I got to it the guard had already let you through and was closing the gates. So I hurried up and found your dad upstairs, he was on his way to your room to talk to you. I asked him where you were going with all of your things and he started panicking. He was so mad at Mr. Jefferson for letting you leave and not telling him, I was sure he was going to rip him a new one. Luckily they got the call from Vernon that you'd stopped by the drug store so Elvis took off to go find you. I don't think I've ever seen him so worried. I'm so happy you're back and nothing bad happened to you. There are a lot of bad people out there honey, you have to be careful!"

Mary rambled on and was hugging me so tight I thought I might pass out from lack of oxygen. As horrible as I felt for making them all worry so much. It warmed my heart to know that people actually cared about me. I never thought anyone would ever make such a fuss over me leaving. I mean I left my moms house almost 2 days ago and she hasn't even bothered looking for me. So this really shocked me.
"Mary I know you mean well and we all love you for that but you're squeezing my baby so tight I think she might pass out" Elvis chuckles. Mary finally let's go.
"I'm sorry sugar!"
"Audrey's had a long day Mary. I'm going to take her upstairs and get her settled in so she can get some rest."
"Okay if either of you need anything just let me know."
"Will do. Thank you, Mary." Elvis replied.
We both head upstairs to my room. Elvis sets my things down on the bed just like they had been earlier that day.
"Okay there's a bathroom right across the hallway here. There's towels already in the cabinet in there for you if you want to take a shower. You already know where my room is so if you need anything just yell or come find me. I have trouble sleeping sometimes so I'll most likely be up. I know you're tired though so I'll leave you to it. Goodnight pumpkin."
"Goodnight Elvis, and thank you."

My Girl My Girl - An Elvis Presley FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now