• Always On My Mind •

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December 26, 1968

(Audrey's POV)

I'm currently standing at the counter in the kitchen pouring myself some cereal and milk. Elvis is upstairs showering and Cilla is getting Lisa Marie ready for the day.

I zone out as I start thinking about last night and how after Vernon, Dee, and Dean left, Elvis and I had a very long conversation about how boys are 'icky' and 'nothing but trouble.' Or at least that's how Elvis worded it. After he was done with his hour long 'lecture' he also refused to let me leave and go to sleep until I promised him that I wouldn't date or even think about boys until I'm at least 40.

I feel guilty though because that was just last night and I'm already breaking my promise. I can't stop thinking about a certain tall, tan, brown haired, green eyed boy named Dean Carter. And the smell of his leather jacket I noticed as he brushed past me yesterday when he was leaving. And I can't stop thinking about his smile either. Or the way the his skin crinkles by his eyes when he smiles. Or his pearly teeth that are brighter than my future. His smile alone gives me butterfli-


I zone back in to reality prepared to glare at the person who rudely decided to interrupt my day dreaming session and I find Mary snapping her fingers and waving her hand in my face trying to get my attention. I look down to see I've zoned out while pouring milk and my bowl of cereal has now overflowed and there's milk all over the counter.

"Oh no!" I shout frantic looking for some paper towels to soak up the mess I made. I hear Mary chuckle behind me and I turn around when I hear the sound of her ripping paper towels. I notice she has a roll in her hands and has already started to clean up the mess.

"That's okay Mary, let me clean it up. This is my fault." I say as I take the roll from her and start cleaning up the milk.

"You were really distracted there darling. Anything you'd like to share?" Mary says with a knowing smile.

She knows.

"Who told you?" I ask looking up at her.

"You have a very protective Daddy, Audrey." She reminds me. As if I'd even need a reminder, who could forget?

"What did he say?" I groan.

"Just to keep an eye out for a Mr. Carter and for me to make sure you're not alone with him."

"That's it, he's officially lost it!" I say, standing up straight.

"Honey, you're talking about the man who drunkenly threw up in a flower pot and then tried to flush it. And the man who shoots his TV's when he doesn't like what's on. I'm afraid he's never had 'it'" She whispers the last part while shaking her head and laughing. I crack a smile and chuckle.

Once the milk is cleaned up I throw the soaked paper towels away and wash my hands. Then I grab my cereal and start to eat it. Luckily it hasn't gotten soggy.

While I'm eating I feel someone sit down beside me and see it's Mary. She's currently making breakfast for everybody and she's waiting for the oven to preheat so she can put the biscuits in.

"So, this Dean fella..?" She drags out in a quiet voice.

"What about him?" I say munching on my cereal.

"Do you like him?" She asks. I shrug in response. Not really comfortable talking about him.

"Sweetheart, you know you can talk to me right? I won't go to your father. As long as you're not doing anything's that's going to put yourself in harms way what we talk about stays between us. I promise."

My Girl My Girl - An Elvis Presley FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now