• I Am My Fathers Daughter •

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October 10, 1968

(Audrey's POV)

I woke to someone lightly shaking me and whispering my name. I recognize the voice as Elvis'. I crack open my eyes and my room is full of people. Elvis, Vernon, Mary, Lisa Marie, Priscilla and Jefferson are all standing there looking at me.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" they all shout.

A look of confusion crosses my face as I think of what day it is. It actually is my birthday.

"How did you guys all know it was my birthday?" I ask.

"I made sure to memorize it the day I met you in the hospital when I was looking at your birth certificate." Elvis replied.

"Well thank you so much everyone but really, you don't have to go through all of this trouble." I say, sitting up and looking over at the birthday breakfast Mary has in her hands.

"Birthdays are a BIG deal around here, darling." Cilla pipes up.

She's been a lot warmer to me in the past few weeks.  I think she finally realized I wasn't after Elvis' money or career and decided to give me a chance. I'm really thankful for that too because she's actually nice once you get to know her. Plus it's nice to have a female figure in my life that can help give me makeup tips, fashion advice, or just offer to help me with my hair.

"We have a big day planned for you honey. So eat up and get ready!" Elvis says as he kisses my forehead and they all leave my room.

I hurry up and eat as much of my breakfast as I can. Then I run over to my dresser and pick out my outfit for today. I get out a brand new dress Elvis had surprised me with, grab the other things I'd need, and the run to the bathroom. I do my usual routine, shower, wrap my hair in a towel, dry off, apply my favorite vanilla scented lotion, some perfume Elvis bought me, deodorant, then I put some Vaseline on my lips, put on my mascara - which I decided to use an extra coat of today. I then get started on my hair.  I pull it out of the towel and start combing it with a wide tooth comb, then I put some nice smelling leave in in it before I blow dry it. Once that's done. I grab a hair ribbon that matches my dress and put my long light brown hair into a cute little half up hairstyle that seems to enhance my natural waves. I head back to my room and get my shoes on, then I grab the tray that had my breakfast on my nightstand and bring it downstairs to the kitchen where everyone seems to have ended up.

"Oh good you're all ready! You look beautiful birthday girl." Elvis says excitedly as he runs over to me holding me at arms length while looking me over. I guess making sure I'm not wearing too much makeup or something. Then he leans in and kisses my temple. Just then Mary comes over with Elvis' camera and I already know where this is going.

"Okay everybody we're going to do pictures with the birthday girl!"

I lost count of how many pictures were taken. First there was one of just me. Then me and Elvis, then me Elvis and Lisa Marie. Then Cilla joined in on one. Then one of me and Mary. Then me and Mr. Jefferson whom I've grown closer to over the past month. Then there was one of just me and Lisa Marie. Then just me and Vernon. Then finally me, Elvis, Vernon, and Lisa Marie and Cilla.

Vernon gave me a hug before leaning down to look into my eyes.

"Your grandmother Gladys would have loved to meet you. I wish more than anything she was here today to see what a beautiful young lady you are and see how much you resemble your daddy. You're going to do great things little lady. We love you" He leans in and hugs me.
I start to tear up and reply

My Girl My Girl - An Elvis Presley FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now