• Return to Sender •

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December 28, 1968.

Its been a couple days since Dean has been staying with us. Elvis has been letting him stay in the pool house. I'm not sure why. Maybe he just wants to keep him as far away from me as possible. Which is fine by me. I don't want to spend any more time with Dean than I have to. I get all nervous and get butterflies when I'm around him. Cilla said that's just because I like him. And I know that I do. But I don't like that he knows that I like him. Because he teases me about it. He does little things to let me know that he knows. For example, yesterday evening he was heading upstairs to ask Elvis something and I ran into him - literally. Bumped into him right before I was going down the stairs. I was in a hurry too so when I collided with his chest I almost fell backwards on my butt! He had to reach out and grab me by the shoulders to keep me from falling. When I was standing back upright I looked up and saw he was looking down at me with a smirk on his face, and that smile that knows how to knock the air straight out of my lungs. I was so taken back I couldn't speak. I tried to say thank you but instead all that came out was "I-Tha-Uh...Cookie" I realized immediately how stupid I sounded and shook my head in disbelief at my stupidity before walking down the stairs, with Dean's beautiful laughter fading each step I took.

Today I woke up early to take care of the horses. It's currently 9AM and I've already showered, gotten dressed, and I've just finished my breakfast and I am now sitting with Mary talking about how delicious her chocolate chip pancakes were. And she's telling me how she used a different brand of chocolate chips in them this time and that it's making all the difference.

Mary: "So Audrey what are your plans for the day?"
Audrey: "I'm going to take care of the horses and maybe take Blue out and ride. She's gotten so much more comfortable with me already."
Mary: "Thats great sweetie, you have fun with that. And be careful! You know we all worry about you, especially your daddy. I don't want you getting hurt."
Audrey: "Don't worry Mary, I don't think Blue would ever do anything to hurt me! And I'll be careful I promise!"
Mary: "Alright sweetheart, run along now. I'm going to go let Dodger and everyone else know breakfast is going to start getting cold if they don't hurry and get some."
Audrey: "Okay, Mary!"
Mary: "Oh and Audrey, one last thing...."
I'm just about to step out the door when she trails off. "Yes?"
Mary: "Could you stop by the pool house on your way to the horses and let Mr. Carter know breakfast is ready? I've called down but I'm afraid the phones aren't working."
Mary you evil thing you. I know this is on purpose. I don't know why she wants us to be around each other so bad.
I gulp "O-of course Mary."
She gives me a knowing smile and winks.
"Thanks darling."

On the way to the pool house I keep going over in my head what to say to him. I don't know why either because it's such a simple task. But I'm always just so nervous I'm going to make a fool out of myself. Finally I make it to the door and knock. Nothing. I knock again slightly louder this time. Still nothing. Getting impatient I knock again this time much louder and for a little longer. Suddenly I hear cussing and then before I know it the door is swung open and before me stood an angry looking, shirtless, messy haired Dean. How is he not cold? I think to myself. I must've zoned out or just was focused on him being shirtless that I forgot to say anything because I hear him clear his throat impatiently.
"What?" He snaps.
"H-hi. Uh, I just" I gulp. "I just wanted to let you know that breakfast is ready. Well I didn't want to let you know. Mary wanted me to come and let you know. Not that I wouldn't want to let you know. I-I don't have a problem with you or anything. It's not like I like you or anything, cause I don't! I mean- I don't hate you, I just don't like-like you. I just-"
"Your nervous rambling says otherwise. Did you save me any cookies?" Dean cuts me off with his morning voice. And teases me with his cookie reference from last night. Then he shoots me a beautiful toothy smile. Surprisingly he doesn't sound like a boy. He has a somewhat deeper voice.
I feel my face heat up so I know I'm blushing furiously, and when he notices that I know he sees it his smile grows impossibly bigger.
Audrey: "Would you stop it??"
Dean gets a fake looking confused look on his face "Stop what? Smiling? Looking at a beautiful girl? No, I won't."
I frown and fold my arms impatient with his games, "You're making me uncomfortable!"
Dean: "Why ever would you be uncomfortable Audrey? Unless you... like me? Is that it? Do you like me Audrey Presley?"
"Of course not!"
He fake pouts and grabs the top left side of his chest as if he's reaching for his heart. "Ouch, that hurts."
"It must be a shock to you that a girl isn't just falling for you at the drop of a hat Mr. Carter, but contrary to popular belief not EVERY girl is going to fall for your handsome boyish ways."
"So you think I'm handsome?" He smirks.
I throw my hands in the air in frustration and groan.
"You are a piece of work, Mr. Carter! And a pain in my-."
"Audrey Ellis!" Dean gasps
"How do you know my middle name?" I frown.
"I-uh" he stutters.
"Look who's stuttering now." I smirk.
His face gets slightly red. Oooh, did we embarrass him? Good.
"Seriously though Dean, how do you know my middle name?"
"I asked Mary about you the other night.." he trails off.
"And why would you do that?" I tease.
"You said breakfast was ready?" He shuffles his feet and looks down uncomfortably, changing the conversation. Me having enough information already and not wanting to know any more just yet decides to just let him off the hook.
"Yes, Mr. Carter." I say in a mocking tone, "breakfast is ready."
"Um, Thank you. Have a good day Audrey." He replies.
"Oh I plan on it, Mr. Carter. Thank you kindly. And you have a good day as well." I say the last part as I'm turning around to leave. Confident in the fact that for once I'm not the one ending a conversation with him flustered, but he is instead.
"Dean a butt load of numbers, Audrey one." I say to myself as I'm out of earshot.

My Girl My Girl - An Elvis Presley FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now