• Thanskgiving with the Presley's •

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Thanksgiving Day 1968,

(Audrey's POV)

Time seems to be flying. It feels like we were just celebrating Halloween and it's now already Thanksgiving Day. The past month we've spent a lot of time together as a family. We just found out Elvis has to leave right after his birthday in January for work and he's going to be gone for a whole month. I'm scared at the fact that he's not going to be here. I feel like I'm going to get really lonely. I am starting school in January though, so hopefully that will help distract me some. Elvis is hiring a teacher to come to the house so I'll get all of my schooling done here at Graceland. We all decided it'd just be easier that way. Plus with home schooling I'll be able to get more done so I can graduate a lot sooner.

Over the past month I've spent a lot of my free time experimenting with my art kit and decided I'd try to make Elvis something for Christmas. I ended up making his name out of melted crayons, it's spread out over a big canvas. It actually looks a lot cooler than it sounds. I'm really surprised with how good it turned out. And I'm really excited to see his reaction. I'm also going to buy him some gifts with my birthday money too. He's done so much for me, it's the least I could do. I just have to figure out how I can get out to the store without him because I want his gifts to be a surprise.

Another thing I've been doing is spending a lot of time learning to ride and bonding with the horses here at Graceland. Cilla has her own horse named Domino. Elvis has a horse named Rising Sun. And there are a few other horses as well but the one I bonded with the most was Elvis' horse Rising Sun. I never really thought much of horses before. I guess it could be because I was never around them. But Elvis took me riding for the first time a few days after Halloween and he says I'm a natural. I really enjoy spending time out at the stables, it's really therapeutic. I actually find myself getting so preoccupied with what I'm doing out here that I lose track of time a lot. Elvis has had to come and get me several times because I was missing dinner or lunch and didn't even notice. Right now we're all currently riding together. Cilla and Lisa are on Domino and me and Elvis are on Rising Sun. We've been out here for a couple of hours riding and talking. We have to head back though because it's Thanksgiving and Elvis is hosting a party in a little while.

By the time we get the horses back in the stables and get back inside it's noon. And the house smells amazing. Mary has been busy cooking all day. Elvis' Thanksgiving dinner is starting at two so we all head upstairs and get cleaned up. I decided to wear one of my new dresses I got recently. Its a classy but cute looking black and white dress with no sleeves. I paired it with some black and white flats. After my shower I do my makeup. I decide to do a little more than usual so I'm wearing a light pink lip gloss, mascara, and a very light amount of blush. I dry my hair and then use a curling iron to put some waves in my hair. When I'm satisfied I spritz on some of my vanilla scented perfume. I go back to my room and put on some earrings, the bracelet Elvis got me, and a necklace. Then I head downstairs to see what's going on. I find Elvis, Mary, Lisa Marie, Cilla, and the Memphis Mafia all standing around talking in the kitchen. When I walk in Mary runs up to me.

"Happy Thanksgiving sweetheart! My goodness you look absolutely beautiful!" She says as she hugs me so tight I struggle to breathe.

"Okay Mary, the night is still young. We don't want the girl to pass out and miss the party." Elvis says and then chuckles before he makes his way over to us.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Daddy. I love you." I say to him as I wrap my arms around him.

"I love you too, honey. Mary is right, you look beautiful. It sucks for me though, that means I'm going to have to watch you extra close and make sure no boys come anywhere near my princess." He replies.

"Daddy, how am I supposed to ever find a boyfriend if you won't let boys anywhere near me?"

"That's the point. You're not going to have a boyfriend or even date as long as I'm alive. Neither is Lisa Marie." He smiles as he taps my nose with his index finger.

"Daddy!" I whine.

"Don't start. We'll discuss this later." He warns.

"How much later are you thinking?" I ask.

"Hmm. When you're thirty." He says smiling.

"DADDY!" I yell frustrated. I can tell hes mostly kidding. But I know a small part of him probably really does wish I would wait until my thirtieth birthday to date. In his dreams.

A couple of hours have passed and we're all having a great Thanksgiving so far. Grandpa Vernon came over with his wife Dee, Grandma Dodger is here, Cilla's parents, and a lot of other people Elvis is close with are also here. We are all sat down at the dining table and are about to eat dinner. Mary made so many amazing foods. Turkey, ham, deviled eggs, macaroni salad, potato salad, mashed potatoes and gravy, dinner rolls, chicken, green bean casserole, pudding, and several different flavors of pie just to name a few.

I take a look around the table and the look in all the men's eyes makes me nervous. They're all staring at the food and if I didn't know any better I'd say they look like they haven't eaten in months. But I just saw a few of them devouring breakfast this morning. I specifically remember because I got into a slap fight with a couple of them over the last piece of bacon. I won by the way.

"Okay, we're going to go around the table and everyone's going to say something they're thankful for." Elvis announces.

I don't know where my sudden burst of confidence came from but before I know it I'm raising my hand and I find myself saying I'd go first. Elvis nods his head for me to proceed. I feel my legs shake as I stand from my chair and a huge part of me regrets opening my big mouth.

I clear my throat. "I-I'd just like to say that I'm thankful I found my Dad after nearly 12 years. I'm also thankful I get a chance at having a real family now. I'm thankful for my little sister Lisa Marie, and Cilla. And last of all I'm thankful for all of you." I say looking around the table and smiling before sitting back down.

Elvis stands up next. "This year I'm thankful I found out about you, Audrey. And that I get to be your father not just biologically but legally as well. I'm thankful for my little Yisa as well. And that we're all here together as one big family. Oh, one last thing! Mary, I am also very thankful for this delicious food we're about to eat." He says as he licks his lips and sits down. A group of laughs are heard around the table.

Everyone finished saying what they were thankful for pretty quickly. Probably because anyone who spent too much time got a glare thrown their way by a very impatient and hungry Elvis Presley. After we were all done eating we went and played a game of charades which ended early because the guys got into an argument and before I knew what happened there was a hefty amount of curse words being tossed around and then finally someones drink went flying through the air. The guys ended up laughing it off though a couple of minutes later and it was like nothing happened.


It's now 6 o'clock and we're all outside playing football. I've never really been good at sports and I told Elvis that so I was surprised when he chose me to be on his team anyways. I'm convinced he only did because he felt sorry for me. Despite my terrible athletic skills, we can't all be Elvis. But by some miracle our team actually won. The rest of the night was spent with the adults all having drinks and sitting around talking. Elvis brought out his camera and of course a lot of pictures and home videos were made. Unfortunately Elvis got his camera out and by his luck got a video of my clumsy self tripping over God only knows what and face planting in the grass. There's another thing to add to the list of embarrassing things I'm never going to be able to live down.

Eventually everyone started heading out and we were all pretty worn out so we all headed upstairs to get ready for bed. I went in the bathroom and changed, washed my hair, and brushed my teeth. And I'm guessing Elvis did the same. Cilla headed to put a now sleeping Lisa Marie to bed and then went to bed herself. Elvis came and tucked me in a few minutes after I got back in my room like he does almost every night and then he headed to bed.

A/N - I'm not sure if I mentioned it earlier in the story or not. But Minnie Mae does live at Graceland in this story. I don't think I've written about her yet but I plan on having her in future chapters. Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment if you're enjoying the story! Thanks so much for reading. I hope you have a great day! c:

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