• Blue Christmas Eve •

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Christmas Eve 1968,

(Audrey's POV)

It's finally Christmas Eve and everyone at Graceland is so excited! We've all spent the past few days decorating the whole downstairs for Christmas. It looks absolutely beautiful.

I've gotten a lot closer with Grandma Dodger because Elvis has been gone a little more often the past few weeks. He's busy recording and getting things ready for his trip in January.

I'm still really nervous about him leaving because I've gotten so used to him always being here over the past couple of months. But I understand he has work to do and I know he loves his work and making his fans happy. So I'm trying to not think about it too much and just enjoy the time I have with him now.

I had a couple of my Dads friends from the Memphis Mafia take me to the store one day while he was busy recording so I could go Christmas shopping. I got Elvis a nice big ring with his initials engraved along with the letters TCB and a lightning bolt. I made him a few things with my art kit I'm still experimenting with too. Plus I bought him a fancy comb that has his initials, a lightning bolt, and TCB engraved on it as well along with a jar of his favorite pomade. I didn't have a lot of money but I'm hoping he likes the gifts I got him.

For Lisa Marie I got her a little teddy bear and some cute hair berets that have her initials on them. And I had Grandma Dodger help me make her a little pink blanket with her name and a horse on it.

I got Priscilla a bracelet, a sweater, and some of her favorite perfume. I got Mary a new cook book and some perfume, plus I made her a card. And I got Grandma Dodger some new hair rollers and some perfume, I also made her a nice card too.

I didn't have the money to get everyone something so for the Memphis Mafia and Mr. Jefferson I made them cards and I had Mary help me make them fudge and cookies that I put in little tin containers and passed out to them.

Right now we're all downstairs just finishing up decorating our stockings for Christmas. As soon as we're done we head into the kitchen for lunch because it's almost noon.

Mary made us sub sandwiches with chips on the side and some Pepsi to drink. A couple of the Mafia guys are in the kitchen with us eating too because they're men and I'm starting to think they're also bottomless pits. They just had breakfast a couple of hours ago where I had to fight Red and Sonny over the last pancake. Luckily Elvis shoved Red into Sonny just as we were all making run for the counter -bless his heart- which gave me just enough time to snatch up the last pancake and lick it just for good measure before they got the chance to take it from me.

Almost everyone was sitting down already and I was the last one to grab my plate. I got my food and set it down in my spot before I headed back to grab a bottle of Pepsi. I guess the guys were still butthurt about this mornings little incident though because just as I'm about to sit down in my chair I hear it being yanked out from underneath me and I find myself falling to the ground, spilling my drink all over me in the process. The room is silent and I look up to see Red trying so hard to hold back his laughter that his face is just as red as his hair. I feel tears welling up in my eyes and Elvis sees I'm starting to cry so he looks over to Red with a death glare on his face.

My tears were threatening to spill over so I hurry up and get off of the floor before sprinting up to my bathroom. I didn't want anyone to see me cry. I feel silly for getting so upset because normally I wouldn't. But I had just gotten ready and put on one of my new favorite dresses Elvis had gotten me and now it was all ruined. My cheeks were red from embarrassment and crying, my mascara was running down my face and my hair and dress were covered in sticky brown Pepsi.

I climb into the shower, washing my hair, face, and body for the second time today. After I'm done I get out, put on my lotion, wrap my hair in a towel and redo my makeup which just consists of mascara, lip gloss, and blush. I put on a robe because I remembered I didn't bring anything to change into in the bathroom with me. Then I start on my hair. I apply my leave in and blow dry it before styling it. I hear a light knock on the door just then.

"Audi, are you okay honey?" Elvis asks from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, thanks Dad." I reply as I walk over and open the bathroom door to see a concerned looking Elvis standing there with a wrapped box in his hands.

"I know that was one of your favorite dresses you were wearing and I just want you to know I poured syrup all over Red as payback. I also brought you this. It's supposed to be one of your presents, but I bought it and I see no problem with you opening it a day early." He says smiling before pushing the box towards me.

I open the box up and push back the tissue paper revealing a beautiful red dress. "Thank you so much Daddy! I love it!" I smile before launching myself into his arms.

"Anything for you pumpkin. Go ahead and get changed now, your lunch is going to get cold. I decided to wait for you to finish mine so we can eat together." He gently pushes me towards the bathroom.

I get changed quickly and am amazed. This dress looks twice as good as the last one. When I'm done I put on a different pair of flats and run downstairs. An annoyed Elvis and sad looking Red are sat at the table alone. Reds hair still looks wet and he's in different clothes. I guess Elvis wasn't kidding around pouring syrup all over him. When I walk into the room Red stands up.

"Audrey. I'm sorry I ruined your dress. I feel awful. And I'm not just saying that because Elvis threatened to beat me up if I didn't. I truly mean it." Red says as he walks over to me.

I reach out and put my hand on Reds shoulder. He raises his head and looks me in the eyes. "It's okay Red!" I smile. "I was just upset because that was one of my favorite dresses from Elvis. But I forgive you." I pat his shoulder before going to sit down beside Elvis.

After we finished our lunch we sat around the piano as Elvis played and sang Christmas songs. He even sang "how great thou art" which is one of my favorites that he sings. We hung our stockings and played some games. Then we had a big dinner. After dinner it was around 8 and we were all sat around the tree. Elvis decided we could all open one present. I handed him the comb to open that I had bought him that was paired with the pomade. He was really happy with it. Lisa Marie got an expensive doll. Priscilla got a fancy bracelet. The present I opened was another fancy dress that was similar to the one I have now. It was black and came with matching heels. Grandma Dodger got some kitting supplies. Mary got a new expensive purse. The Memphis Mafia all got new suits.

By the time we were done opening presents, talking, and listening to music. We decided it was time to go to sleep because tomorrow was going to be a big day. Elvis was having a Christmas party of course. So after saying goodnight we all headed off to our rooms. I went to my bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then Elvis came in and tucked me in, thanking me once more for the comb I got him. He headed off to his room and I went to sleep. I was really excited for Christmas tomorrow!

A/N- I know this chapter is about Christmas but I just wanted to say I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please vote and comment if you do! c:

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