• Can't Help Falling In Love •

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A/N Hi everybody! I hope you're all doing good and taking care of yourselves. Especially with everything that's going on lately. How has this whole Coronavirus and Quarantine effecting you all? I'm personally off work until the beginning of May and THANKFULLY I'm still getting paid. I'm very grateful because I know a lot of people aren't getting paid anything and are very stressed out and I feel very bad for them. Also, I know it's been a VERY long time since I've updated. I just get in these weird moods where I have no motivation for long periods of time, but this time off being stuck at home gives me a chance to finally update and give you guys a new chapter! I hope you enjoy!

December 31, 1968

Things have been a little crazy lately. Daddy has been very busy getting things in order before he has to leave for a while. It's hard to think about because hes been here for me just about every single day since he found out about me and I moved in. I'm scared something might happen to him while hes gone or that something might happen here and he won't be here. I'm still scared of the Colonel showing up or Mama and them taking me away. Daddy just keeps reassuring me that I'm in good hands and that he won't let anything happen to me. I trust him and I have no choice but to believe him.

I also start homeschooling soon. I don't know how I feel about that yet. I'm conflicted. I'd like to go and try to make friends but I also have to be careful now because it's not just me I have to worry about anymore. Having a famous dad makes me a target for people to use me just so they can get close to him. Dean is the only person I talk to that is my age and that's only been a couple times since I went to the pool house the other day to let him know about breakfast. He's snuck out to the stables twice to talk to me when I'm taking care of the horses. I told him Daddy would have his head if he found out because we're not allowed to be alone together, to which he paled the slightest bit. But even that doesn't seem to keep him away. Dean's going to be here for a few more weeks. Which means he'll be here while Daddy is gone working. Daddy's actually talking to him right now. And by 'talking' I mean I can hear Elvis LOUDLY explaining the rules from my bedroom and they're in Elvis' office with the door closed. Poor Dean.

After a good 10-15 minutes of accidental eavesdropping, what? I can't help it when he's yelling at the poor kid and I'm all the way in my room and can hear everything, I finally end up heading downstairs to get some food. As I leave my room I hear Daddy telling Dean that he expects him to keep his distance from me but that he is also to protect me if he sees anything or anyone that seems out of the ordinary. Like OK CRAZY. What's he supposed to do to protect me if he has to keep his distance? Use his special mind powers to yeet anyone bad away from me? I swear this crazy man makes no sense a lot of times. I don't even know if he knows what hes saying half the time.

After pausing to hear that last part I her Elvis dismiss him from his office saying he'd see him down at breakfast. I then see a very red faced Dean swiftly, and with eyes like saucers, leave Elvis' office and head downstairs. Luckily he or Elvis didn't see me because I managed to hide behind the corner. I see Elvis still standing at his office door so I head over to talk to him.

"Hi baby girl, what are you up to?" Elvis grins.

It's bizarre how he can go from heated to Mr. Calm, cool, and collected so quickly, but I just shrug that thought off and smile back.

"Just coming from the bathroom, had to make sure I look presentable before I head downstairs for breakfast." I lie, I don't know why I just didn't want him to know that I overheard his intense lecture he had just given to Dean. Something inside me tells me he had a lot more lecturing left in him and I certainly was not setting myself up for that mess this morning if I could help it.

My Girl My Girl - An Elvis Presley FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now