3. lost souls in revelry

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THREE.   lost souls in revelry

      Everywhere Tatum looked, she saw green

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Everywhere Tatum looked, she saw green. Green trees, green grass, green moss. Her hands brushed over the roughness of tree bark, the touch so unfamiliar to her, and she smiled at the sight of flowers growing from the ground and bushes at her feet. All colors from white to purple to blue. She looked to the sky, not seeing a star in sight. She wasn't home anymore. "So, why's your brother such a hard ass?" She said to Octavia, the pair walking together.

"He's just really protective. He's had to look over me my whole life. Our mom was floated for having me when I was still a baby." She explained to her, twirling a flower she picked around her finger.

"I'm sorry."

Octavia shrugged. "He's a great guy. He just comes off kind of harsh."

"Well, I hope he's not like that the whole time we're here. It's not fair to you. You deserve to finally live your life."

Octavia looked at her and smiled. She saw Finn talking to Clarke and Wells at the drop ship. "What do you think that's about?" She asked and jerked her chin in that direction.

Tatum looked over her shoulder. She saw Finn grab Jasper and Monty and pull them with him, now all of them at the drop ship. "I dunno. Let's go find out."

"Four of us. Can we go now?" Said Finn.

"Sounds like a party. Make that six." Olivia announced.

They turned to the girls. Wells shook his head. "No way."

Tatum glared at him. "You think i'm gonna let my best friends walk through a radioactive forest without me? Did Murphy push you too hard?"

Brfore he said anything, Bellamy appeared and took his sister's arm. "Hey, what the hell are you doing?" He snapped.

She shrugged from his grip. "Going for a walk." '

Clarke grabbed Finn's hand to look at the wristband around his wrist. "Hey, were you trying to take this off?" She accused.

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