33. i'm getting tired even for a phoenix always rising from the ashes

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THIRTY THREE. I'm getting tired even for a phoenix always rising from the ashes

   I'm getting tired even for a phoenix always rising from the ashes

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Trigger warnings: lots of mentions of scars and burn scars


Tatum was scared. Probably the most scared she'd ever been. Almost dying was something she was getting used to but her best friend losing his mind was something she couldn't stand to see. Finn was like a rabid animal with his eyes wide and his breathing shaky. She'd never seen him like this. He always listened to her. But everything she was saying kept going over his head. She was scared of what he would do.

She wasn't a grounder. Nowhere near. But she made a promise to Lexa. A vow to not betray her people. If Tatum was one thing, she was loyal. But her friends were alive and in front of her eyes. It was a game of tug of war and she didn't know which side to land on.

Finn and Murphy whispered amongst themselves while she stayed with the grounders. Her sword was still tightly gripped in her hand. She knew what they were thinking. How could she be on their side? They kidnapped her and now she was protecting them. Even wore her hair like them. She's explain it if they would give her a chance but that didn't seem to be happening.

Dominic still kept his eyes on her. "I'm fiya." She whispered in his language. I'm sorry.

"Yu don lie gon yumi?" He asked her, taking in Trigedaslang. Did you lie to us?

Her eyes became sad. "No. Of course not."

"A man with one eye?" Nyko suddenly shouted when he overheard the boys talking.

Finn raised his gun.

"You saw Delano. A snake, a thief." He told them and slowly stood with his hands raised. "He and his men were cast out. You are his revenge."

Tatum blinked and looked between them, not understanding.

"It makes sense, Finn." Murphy told him. "Okay? We need to go. Now." But Finn still kept his gun raised. "Now, Finn, we need to go. Tatum, come on."

"Guys, hold on—"

Just as Finn turned his back, one of the grounder men jumped out of the pit. "No. No, no, no—"

Tatum screamed when Finn shot at him. "Finn, no!" An uproar started. The villagers started screaming. Her heart quickened uncontrollably, her eyes going wide.

"He was just trying to get away!" Nyko shouted.

Murphy grabbed his arm. "Come on."

Artigas made the next attempt to get away. Everything seemed to slow down. Finn fired his gun again and killed him. Dominic rose to his feet and screamed. "NO!"


Artigas landed on the ground, his eyes open, and blood poured from his mouth. "What did you do?" Tatum screamed at him while all the grounders started going crazy.

Chaos Theory, Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now