21. what am I if not yours?

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TWENTY ONE.   what am I find not yours?

      John Murphy had loved Tatum Adler since they were thirteen years old

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John Murphy had loved Tatum Adler since they were thirteen years old. It started out as an innocent crush, then a game of Truth or Dare happened and they kissed. But it wasn't just one kiss. It was multiple, and he slowly realized the effect she had on him. Tatum was the first person that didn't treat him like a waste of space. Her father took him in basically. She was his best friend but in his heart, his feelings for her were strong.

Maybe it was the way she smiled at him with her crooked teeth. Or the way she laughed. How she handled herself. How protective she was over him and her friends. But Murphy loved her. She was everything to him.

Then Riley came along. She fell in love with him and forgot all about him. Murphy was heartbroken. Perhaps that's why he turned so cold on her. He felt like he couldn't go to her anymore. But now they were reunited on the ground and John tried to get her back. To repair their friendship. Gain back her trust. And he thought he was doing that.

Cue Bellamy Blake, another older guy that charmed his way into her heart. Cut to John Murphy, again heartbroken, and this time, vengeful. He tightened his hands around the rope that was around Bellamy's neck. His face was burnt red from anger.

Tatum was utterly confused. "Murphy, you know I love you—"

He cut her off. "No, no you don't! Not the way I love you." He said in a fury.

"Murphy this is crazy—"

He pointed his gun again, making Bellamy go silent. "Y'know, I gotta hand it to you, Bellamy. You got 'em all fooled. They actually look up to you, almost as much as they look up to Clarke and Tatum," Murphy jeered with a dark gaze. "Yeah, well, we know the truth, don't we? You're a coward. I learned that the day you kicked the crate from beneath me."

Bellamy almost looked guilty.

"Isn't that what you said? That you were just giving people what they wanted, right?"

Chaos Theory, Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now