8. dancing around the lies we tell

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EIGHT.   dancing around the lies we tell

   dancing around the lies we tell

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      Tatum should've felt weird. She confessed her forbidden secret to a nearly total stranger because she thought she was going to die. But she didn't and know Bellamy knew everything. He knew the reason why she killed Riley, but even more than that, he knew things about her that she swore to secrecy. The story of her miscarriage was something that tormented her everyday.

So she should've been at least afraid that he would tell everyone. But he didn't. In fact, it sorta made them closer. The stolen smiles were just one thing. Tatum actually liked to be around him, which was strange, because she wanted to strangle him in the beginning, make him suffer. Now, she smiled whenever he was near. She hadn't felt like this since Riley. And that terrified her.

She still struggled to put her clothes on. The scars on her back were still healing and according to Clarke, she wasn't allowed to lift anything heavy until they fully healed. She walked out of her tent and saw Charlotte struggling to gather logs. "Need some help with that?"

Startled, Charlotte looked her way and widened her eyes. "Um. . . no, i've got it. Besides, your back is still hurting."

Tatum waved her hand. "Please, it'll take more than a cougar to take me down." She teased. From the corner of her eye, Connor collapsed on the ground while working. "Connor," she gasped and quickly went to help him. "Connor, are you okay?"

"Hey!" Shouted Murphy. "You think the grounders are just going to sit around and wait for us to finish the wall? Maybe we should let the little girl do the lifting for you, huh?"

Tatum stood up and casted him a glare. "I'm sure she's doing a better job than you."

"Can it, Adler." He sneered.

Connor let out an exhausted sigh. "I just need some water, okay? Then i'll be fine."

At the same time, Bellamy came over, watching the scene with his usual hard eyes. "Murphy, give this guy some water." He demanded.

Chaos Theory, Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now