12. i'm hell bent on loving you

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TWELVE.   I'm hell bent on loving you

      The hunt to find Octavia was a long one

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      The hunt to find Octavia was a long one. It was still dark out and the torches only brought so much light. Tatum kept her eyes on the ground for footprints. She passed Earth Skills with flying colors, she just didn't tell people that. She searched for fresh or dry blood. The knife she had was clutched in her hand.

From not too far away, Bellamy watched as she attentively searched for his sister. She still refused to meet his eye but she was doing everything to find Octavia. And it made him happy. He was thankful. But he missed the way things were before Raven showed up. He missed how close they were, how much they were getting to know each other, and the way both felt being in each other's presence. It only made him feel more guilty for not being truthful with her. 

Would she understand the mistake he made if he just told her the truth? Of course she would. But Bellamy was too scared to take that chance. He was too afraid of losing her forever. He was willing to have be angry with him and not know the truth than to know the truth and hate him, because he was hell bent on loving her.

"Look! Over here!" One of the boys from camp shouted.

Bellamy immediately rushed to his side. "What is it?" He saw him pointing down the sloped hill.

"Right there. You see that? Is that Octavia's?"

Tatum appeared next to them in a flash. She followed his finger and saw that he was pointing to a splash of blood on a rock. She felt sick.

"Rope." He demanded.

She looked at him. "What?"

"We'll need rope to get back," he told her. He took the rope that someone gave him and carefully made his way down the hill. She watched with a wavering feeling in her stomach. After Bellamy took a minute to observe the blood, he shouted, "It's hers!"

Tatum immediately took the rope and climbed down the slope. Planting her feet on the ground, she kneeled beside Bellamy and examined the blood herself. She took two fingers and dipped it in the liquid, the red color coating her fingers. "It's still fresh. This just happened."

Chaos Theory, Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now