28. even the iron still fears the rot

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TWENTY EIGHT.   even the iron still fears the rot

            When Tatum first woke up in the sky box, it was pitch black

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When Tatum first woke up in the sky box, it was pitch black. It was dark and cold. She woke up and didn't know where she was. She couldn't even see her own hand in front of her face. After a while, she called out to someone, anyone. When nobody responded,  her voice grew louder, and louder, and louder. She shouted for what seemed like forever but there was nobody. She was alone.

She realized she was in the sky box and they had stuck her with a needle to make her pass out. They threw her in the capsulated space like she meant nothing. Like she wasn't a person. For a while, Tatum believed she wasn't a person. She was a murderer. Her hands were stained with the blood of her sins. Her body was scarred and bruised. There was no concept of time in that box. She didn't know how long she had been in there for.

She cried most nights in loneliness. She missed her friends and she often wondered if they missed her too. Just the other day, she was stealing rations with Jasper and helping Monty with his homework. They were running from those who tried catching them for stealing. She could still hear the sound of their laughs. It made her cry more. What did I do to deserve this? She thought. She killed someone in cold blood and she felt no remorse.

Am I a monster or is this what it means to be a person?

The memories of being left to rot in the sky box resurfaced when Tatum opened her eyes and saw nothing but darkness. Her brain pounded against her head and sent an immense pain in the back of her skull. She groaned at the ache. She looked around her but saw nothing but darkness. She saw the faint outline of her hands and touched them to her face. She was alive. "Hello?" Her voice was weak and it cracked. There was no response. "Hello?" She called out louder and groaned when she felt the pain in her throat.

When she moved her arm, she heard the rattling of metal and something closed around her wrist. Panic settled in her chest. She touched it quickly and it was cold. She trailed her hand downward and felt a long chain attached to the cuff. "No, no, no—"

She jerked her wrist but there was no used. When she moved her legs, there was another rattling sound, and she realized her ankle was cuffed also. "Help me!" She cried out, her voice breaking from dehydration. "SOMEONE HELP ME, PLEASE!" She managed to scream.

She cried out over and over again but nobody came. "Octavia!" She weeped and hoped that her friend would come. That she didn't abandon her. A loud cry escaped her lips and she curled up on the hard ground, hugging herself as she cried more.

Bellamy felt Murphy pull him down to the ground. The group hid behind a shrub of bushes and he quickly realized they were looking at the grounder camp. "This is it," Murphy uttered. He shot the man a bitter look. "Told you i'd find it."

Chaos Theory, Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now