9. rip the stitches

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NINE.   rip the stitches

trigger warnings: mentions of attempt suicide

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trigger warnings: mentions of attempt suicide


      Tatum could still remember her first kiss with John Murphy. It was an innocent thing. Then at twelve years old surrounded by their friends, playing Truth or Dare, which happened to be Jasper's idea.

Monty dared him to run around the station in his underwear. They thought it was the funniest thing they'd ever seen. Especially the scolding he got from the adults. "Not cool dude." The twelve year old grumbled when he came back to the circle.

"Oh, come on, that was hilarious!" Laughed Monty, his shoulders shaking up and down.

"Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Can we move on." Jasper looked around the circle for someone to pick on. His eyes landed on Tatum and he smirked. "Tater, truth or dare?"

Twelve year old Tatum tapped her chin. "Hmmm. . . Dare."

"Oh, this should be good." Finn declared. His hair was still long even when he was a kid.

Jasper thought of a dare. He knew Tatum like the back of his hand. She never turned down a dare. His eyes shifted to a young John Murphy, his legs pulled up to his chest. He always noticed how he'd stare at Tatum when she wasn't looking. Or how she'd smile at him when she was. Jasper smirked. "Tatum, I dare you to kiss Murphy."

The group of twelve years old froze. Monty bursted out laughing while Finn was in shock. Raven and Tatum looked at each other before she casted Jasper a glare. "Really, Jasper?"

He only shrugged. "It's a dare."

Murphy was visibly shaking. Tatum looked his way. "We don't have to if you don't want to." She insisted with a soft voice.

He shook his head. "No, it's um—it's okay. It's just a dare." He stammered nervously.

They waited to see what Tatum would do. She rolled her eyes and crawled over to sit by Murphy, feel awkward, while he was still shaking. She sat in front of him. "Are you sure?" She asked.

Chaos Theory, Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now