27. if we go down, we go down together

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TWENTY SEVEN.   if we go down, we go down together

            As much as Tatum disagreed with Octavia's logic, she knew they needed to stick together

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      As much as Tatum disagreed with Octavia's logic, she knew they needed to stick together. She followed her swiftly through the woods. Octavia had a tight grip on Nyko and she kept her knife pressed to his throat. Tatum eyed all the grounders that threatened to shoot spears into them at any second. "Ai laik okteivia kom Skaikru," Octavia announced herself in Trigedasleng. "And you have something I want!" I am Octavia of the sky people.

A rush of anxiety ran through Tatum's veins. She kept her hand gripped on the knife in her pocket.

A woman exited the grounder camp and made herself present to the girls. "Ai laik Indra kom Trigeda. Chit yu gaf?" She spoke in Trigedasleng.

Neither her nor Octavia responded to what she said.

The grounder woman, Indra, walking down the hill towards them. "I said what do you want Octavia of the sky people?" She spoke in English. Her wicked dark eyes flickered to Tatum. "And who are you?"

Her eyes widened lightly. "Ai laik Tatum kom Skaikru." She spoke in their language, though it was very shaky. Any other time, she would be proud of herself for getting that right.

"What do you want, Octavia and Tatum of the sky people?"

"Lincoln." Octavia answered firmly. 

"No," She responded and her expression never faulting.

She felt a rush of anger and she kicked Nyko in the back, making him cry in pain and fall to his knees.  Tatum jumped slightly.

The grounders surrounding them raised their bows again at the action but Indra quickly stopped them.  "Enough, Nyko is our only healer."

"Good. Then you'll do as we say," Octavia stated.  "Bring me Lincoln to the place I saw him last. He knows where that is. Just you and him. No one else. If I see anyone else. . . I'll kill your healer. You have until dark," she explained slowly and angrily. She yanked Nyko up from the ground and looked at Tatum briefly.  "Come on."

"You scare me. You know that?"

"It's how you get shit done."

The longer Bellamy sat chained, the more his thoughts attacked him. He gave up on crying. He felt as if he had no more tears left to cry. He stared at the wall in front of him and imagined himself with Tatum in his arms, and it killed him. He would rather feel the pain of a bullet between his eyes than to have to think of her for one more second. He missed hearing her voice and her sarcastic comments. He missed the feeling of her skin on his and how her hair felt wrapped in his fingers. He would give anything to hear her voice one more time.

Having Murphy almost a foot away from him didn't make things better. He burned holes into him from the harsh glares and he wanting nothing more than to crush his skull between his hands. He would never forgive Murphy for hurting Tatum the way he did. He'd never forgive him for making her watch him torture him and then declaring his love for her as he did it.

Chaos Theory, Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now