36. I feel your pain in my bones

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THIRTY SIX. I feel your pain in my bones

      Tatum held Octavia close as she freaked out, trying to conceal her own confusion and panic

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Tatum held Octavia close as she freaked out, trying to conceal her own confusion and panic. Lincoln was the one who tried saving them from the reapers, and now he was one. It wasn't Lincoln. He would never try to hurt them, but there was somebody out there who wanted to hurt them. "He's a reaper. How's it even possible?" Octavia asked in a hushed voice. "He just looked right through me."

Hearing a clink noise, Tatum held her finger to her lips and froze. Reaper Lincoln came stalking their way peered into the car that they were in, chasing all three of them to freeze. Blood and salvia dripped from his mouth. "Can he see us?" Octavia whispered.

Tatum watched him. The reapers's eyes turned hard and his head titled, and she realized that he wasn't looking at them, but at his reflection. "No, he can't." She whispered back.

When the reaper limped away, Octavia's staggered breathing returned. "Shh, shh, shh. Just listen to me. We'll get him back. I promise." Bellamy told her, glancing at Tatum.

She quickly nodded. "Of course we will." Tatum confirmed and rubbed Octavia's arm. There was a small pause. "How are we gonna do that?"

"Just — Come on." He whispered and quietly opened the car door. He slid out and let the climb out, grabbing into Tatum's hand to help her. "You sure you're ready for this?" He asked his sister.

Sucked in air through her nose, Octavia nodded.

"Okay. Draw him in. I'll do the rest." He looked at Tatum. "If things start to go south, you know what to do?"

She twirled her sword around her hand. "Oh yeah, trust me." She confirmed with a nod.

The pair went around the front of the car. Octavia took out her gun. Tatum listened to her call Lincoln's name. She clutched her sword in her grip and peered around the opposite side of the car.

When Lincoln started to charge toward Octavia, she backed them into a corner, and Bellamy appeared behind him. "Hey!" When Lincoln turned around, he pressed the taser to his neck and the reaper cried out in pain.

Tatum quickly went to Octavia's side and they backed up further. After a minute, Lincoln fell to the ground. "Now what?" Octavia asked with a heavy heart.

"We take him home." Tatum declared and looked at Bellamy, who nodded at her statement. "The acid fog has to be gone by now. Should we head out?"

Yeah." He bent down and observed the now passed out reaper.

Tatum turned to Octavia again and put her hand on her arm, smiling to try and relieve her worry, but she knew it wouldn't work.

The three of them were able to, struggling to do so, take Reaper Lincoln to the drop ship, it being the only safe place in Bellamy's words. They chained him up to restrain him, and Tatum felt sick being back in what used to be their camp. The place where she almost died.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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