35. there's no me without you

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THIRTY FIVE.   there's no me without you

      Tatum couldn't look Finn in the eyes

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Tatum couldn't look Finn in the eyes.

Octavia had argued that they didn't need him to go get their friends from Mount Weather. They had Tatum, their second best tracker. She could get them there. But Abby argued against it. That was her condition on letting them leave at all. Tatum felt like she couldn't breathe. To see the blank look in his eyes contrasting with the shamelessness in his actions scared her. He was a completely different person.

Abby tried getting her not to go with them. Bellamy tried. Raven tried. It was Clarke that was able to convince her. "I know you're afraid to go back out there, but I also know you would do anything to get Jasper and Monty back." It was strange to think about how they hated one another at first. But Clarke could read her like a book. She loved her friends more than anything, including herself.

She traveled between Bellamy and Clarke. Finn led them through the woods. "I can't believe they let Finn come." Octavia grumbled.

"He's the best tracker we've got." Her brother stated.

She scoffed. "No, Tate is."

Bellamy wasn't going to argue that. "Don't forget to look up. The Grounders use the trees. That's how we lost John Mbege." He announced to everyone.

"Yeah, I know. I got his blood all over me." Tatum brought up and shuddered at the memory.

Raven walked alongside her, her hands around the straps of her pack. "How are you doing?" She asked her friend.

"About as good as any girl who survived getting tortured in a grounder camp." She responded sarcastically, her eyes scanning the ground below her for any footprints or blood. When she didn't get a response, Tatum looked up and Raven was looking at her with her brows raised. "Sorry, bad joke."

She cracked a smile. "There's the Tatum I know." She looped her arm through hers. "C'mon."

They continued walking until they entered a clearing. Tatum looked around the open forest, looking for sign of grounders or danger in the trees. Raven peered through her binoculars. "There. I see it!" She announced.

She quickly went and stood by Abby's side. Clarke grabbed the binoculars and looked through them, indeed seeing the tower on top of the mountain. "It'll be dark soon. We'll never spot the traps. We should set up camp here."

"In the clearing where we're an open target for a grounder attack?" Tatum questioned with her eyebrows raised.

"We'll leave at first light. Have someone on watch." Clarke insisted. There was still doubt on her face. "They won't come, Tate. I promise." She assured her.

"We're missing two!" Abby suddenly yelled.

Now in hindsight, it probably wasn't the smartest idea to not tell Tatum about Bellamy and Octavia leaving. But Clarke looked at it in two ways. Tatum would've tried going after them or tried stopping them from going all together. She'd refuse for them to separate and getting into Mount Weather was the most important thing.

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