Chapter 1

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It wasn't exactly how he'd planned to spend his Saturday night. Sitting in a hospital after defending a sixteen-year-old wouldn't have been on his to do list. Yet he didn't really mind all that much. He got to help someone and that was way better than watching reruns of EastEnders.
As he waited for his boss, he replayed the events in his head. It was by pure luck that he had saved her, he hadn't even planned on leaving the house, but he needed milk and decided to go to the corner shops. That was when he saw her, a defenceless girl surrounded by three boys in black surrounding her, taunting her even. That's when he decided to go over and help her, only to have the three boys attack him. On pure instinct he had grabbed one of them and flipped him over before letting go and punching the other in the face, knocking him out cold, the third man had fled before Chris could stop him. He looked over to the girl, relived to see she was okay, she looked terrified, her face pale and it wasn't until he followed her gaze that he saw why, there laid a man with a knife in his chest.

Chris tried to shake the image from his head, he had already had to relive the incident for the police. Shaking his head again he wandered what was taking his boss so long, ranted his boss seemed to be rather busy picking up where he left off. Chris supposed he just wanted to make sure the girl was ok, he knew the man would survive, he had faith in the system but the girl, well she might not know what was happening to her.
Upon their arrival they had taken her in for a look over but on his quick assessment of her before she was taken away nothing seemed wrong, physically. Still sitting in the chair would do nothing. So, he got up and grabbed a drink. He could've asked reception for any information on what had happened to the father and daughter, but he didn't want to disrespect their privacy.
After about an hour his boss came out to see him and surprisingly had the girl with him.
"Chris, oh thank you!" He said. Chris looked up.
"I only did what anyone else would've."
"I know but-" suddenly the girl spoke up, her voice tired with a tint of humour.
"What uncle Dave is trying to say if you hadn't of used your fighting skills to get the guys to leave me alone and then used your medical skills to save my dad, my dad would be dead so thanks." Chris looked up both in embarrassment and confusion. He knew Dave had taken too much of an interest in them, he just never realised the guy he saved was his boss's brother. Chris scratched the back of his head.
"It was nothing and I'm glad you're ok" she smiled at him falsely. Dave looked at them.
"Look Chris I know you have just done a fantastic thing and hopefully the police are done with you, but do you mind taking Maddy for the night? I need to get everything sorted and I won't let her stay at home or here." Chris looked at him dumbstruck, why on earth would being with him be better for her?
Maddy looked at her uncle annoyed that he was treating her like a child. She could just have stayed in the hospital beds or something.
"Uh sure but doesn't Maddy need to stay in for observation though?." He knew the procedure, and this was not it. Maddy stomped her foot.
"Uncle Dave decided I needed a good night's sleep and food. Either that or the hospital would be too upsetting or something."
Dave looked at her annoyed.
"She needs a normal environment Chris and to be honest I trust you to look after her." Chris nodded, kind of confused.

The ride was filled with uncomfortable silence. Maddy was unsure of what to say so she sat listening to the radio and Chris kept his eyes trained on the road. When they eventually arrived at Chris's flat Chris opened the door and kicked some white pumps out of his way.
"Sorry for the mess I... I uh wasn't expecting anyone except me, pizza and EastEnders to be honest." Maddy looked at him bemused. Then suddenly she started laughing.
" I'm sorry it's just, now you look so nervous, when last night you were basically Jackie Chan!" Chris smiled impishly.
"Knowing how to fight does help a guy I suppose." She carried on looking at him. After a minute Chris heard her stomach rumble.
"Would you like something to eat I don't have much I think I have some left-over pizza though" she shrugged.
"I'm not uh hungry although do you have a change of clothes that aren't well, from lost property?" Chris smiled.
"Yeah" he walked into his room and came back with a plain white top that looked five times to big and pyjama bottoms. He gave them to Maddy and motioned to the bedroom. She went in and got changed. when she came out her brown hair was a down and the clothes hung off her.
"Well I uh guess you're tired so... you can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch."
She crossed her arms.
"I don't think so you saved my father and offered me your house, you are in your bed, I'll sleep on the couch." He grinned as if entertaining the idea.
"It's my house now go on you look knackered go, sleep you need it." After she climbed into bed, he followed her and placed a glass on the bedside table.
"For If you get thirsty, if you need me shout, okay?" She nodded and lay down. He took this as his que to leave.
When he got under the covers, he let his mind wonder over the events and he promised himself that that girl needed someone to look after her and If no one else would, he would.

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