chapter 4

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Chris was right in his assumption of carrying his two best friends to the car, drunk. The only thing he hadn't accounted on was taking his little brother with him too. Yet when he woke up in the morning he was sprawled across his bed with Emily, Maddy and Jack playing connect four. He looked  around for Sam and found his best friend sat up against the headboard, looking like death. Suddenly Sam jumped up and ran to the bathroom and threw up. Chris smiled and scrambled out of bed, he knelt down next to Jack and ruffled his hair.
"I don't remember bringing you with us" his little brother smiled sweetly.
"Don't worry Chris, mummy knows I'm here" Chris eyed his brother but Maddy spoke up.
"Your mum knows he's here Chris, he actually asked us if he could come with us" he scrunched up his face. He wasn't drunk so he should've remembered but he didn't. Instead of arguing he went to help Sam.
           He snickered as Sam sat up against the bath tub, sweat beaded on his face. Chris grinned and grabbed a rag, dipping it in water. Chris placed the rag against Sam's forehead and reached across to his overnight bag. Grabbing the paracetamol he sighed.
"Comes to something when your girlfriend can hold more liquor than you, hold this rag to your head." He got up and grabbed the glass off the sink, filling it up with water he crouched back down.  He tipped the glass upwards so that the water went into Sam's mouth, Sam gulped down the liquid and sighed.
" It also comes to something when your little brother likes your girlfriend better than you" he quipped. Chris raised an eyebrow.
"That would be insulting if I had a girlfriend." Sam smirked and patted Chris on the back.
"Whatever you say buddy." Chris stood up and smirked,
"I'll go get Em, I think your a tad delirious"
     Chris walked into the bedroom and told Emily to tend to Sam, he then sat next to Maddy. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, she blushed and coughed.
"How's Sam?" She asked.
"Nothing that a lot of bed rest and aspirin can't fix, where's Jack?" He said. Maddy pointed towards her bed where Jack was tangled in the sheets, hugging a teddy bear. Chris laughed,
"I'm sure he's never been that cute when he's awake" Maddy laughed and leaned into his side, Chris's arm fell over Maddy's shoulders.
"Nah he's always cute, kinda reminds me of you" Chris arched am eyebrow.
"So you think I'm cute do you?" Maddy blushed.
"Oh yeah, you're cute as a button" she said sarcastically. Chris grinned.
"I think your cute too" Maddy wriggled her eyebrows.
"You think I'm only cute" she puckered her bottom lip and Chris leaned forward.
"Oh I think you're much more than cute" he placed his mouth next to her ear and whispered.
"But I'm pretty sure none of them are appropriate" Maddy reeled back blushing and Chris burst into fits of laughter.
" Oh my God" Maddy glared at him and Chris tried to stop laughing and began gasping.
"I-I'm sorry but oh my God" Maddy got up. She crossed her arms and scowled,
"Don't do that or...or I'll uh tell uncle Dave that you were uh doing that" she said whilst waving a finger in Chris's face. He paled dramatically and began shaking his head.
"You wouldn't do that to me, I thought we were friends" Maddy leaned closer.
"Says the one who was flirting with me" Chris leaned forward and their noses touched.
"I was not flirting" Maddy didn't reply, silence ensued  as they stared at each other intently. A burst of laughter made them jump apart and blush furiously. Emily lent against the door frame.
"Come on guys, take the flirting somewhere else"
"We're not flirting!" They shouted in unison. Emily sauntered towards Jack and sat next to him.
"What do you think Jack, were they flirting?" Chris looked at his little brother in desperation. Jack giggled,
"Yup, they like-like each other they do" Chris gave his brother a death glare and glanced at Maddy.
"Well.... looks like the love experts have spoken." Emily nodded and left as Sam groaned from the bathroom. Jack crawled out of bed walked over to Chris.
"Can we go to the park?" He asked.
"Brother time?" Chris replied. Jack nodded enthusiastically and Chris grinned.
" In that case go grab your hoody and shoes, we'll go when you're all done up" Jack ran off to grab his clothes, he zipped his clothes whilst Chris tied his shoelaces, he then slipped his hands into Jack's. They walked out the room as Sam and Emily walked into it.
" He likes you" Sam said, Emily smirked. Maddy stared at the Brown wallpaper and sighed.
"He doesn't, whatever we are is because my dad got hurt." Emily sat placed a delicate hand on her shoulder.
"Mad, he's in love with you and bringing you to the party and letting you near Jack just proved it" Maddy looked down. She couldn't believe Emily,it seemed like wishful thinking.
"If he likes me so much why doesn't he act on it?" Sam laughed
"I dunno but I intend to find out" he said before running to the bathroom to throw up.

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