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When Chris woke up the next morning he found Maddy in his arms. He panicked for a moment before he realised that he had fallen asleep, he knew he had to go though. If Dave caught him he'll be dead, so slowly he untangled himself from Maddy, the girl in question grabbed his wrist as he turned to leave.

"Where you are going?"

"It's early I need to go before I'm discovered here." Maddy smiled

"They already know Chris, I told them you were here last night." Chris paled dramatically

"Ohmygod I am so dead, so, so dead. Dave is going to kill me oh my god" he ranted. Maddy looked at him in amusement, little did he know that Dave was sat outside the door with Mr Parker. Maddy knew however and she was alms tine hundred percent sure that they were enjoying Chris's mental breakdown as much as she was, however when Chris started talking about running away to the moon to avoid her uncle she stopped him.

"Chris honey... They are right outside this door..." Chris stood still when her uncle and father walked through the door.

"Chris my boy, about bloody time" her father said. Dave remained still

"Chris I am so, so disappointed in you" Chris began to stutter but Dave ignored him and turned to Mr Parker, handing him five pounds.

"You couldn't just wait for five more days, could you?" at this Maddy began to laugh

"You bet on us?" Maddy asked. Mr parker grinned

"Maddy darling we are old men and we get bored, you two getting together would be the most entertaining thing to happen to us since my recovery" Maddy glared at her father but Chris intervened before she could yell at him.

"That's right! You have made a miraculous recovery, haven't you?" Chris said, very aware that next to him was a man that could have died a few months prior.

"That's right, well brother of mine we better be off, let's leave these lovebirds alone" the older men turned to leave but told them to leave the door open.

Chris sat down on Maddy's bed, the girl stared at him, making him fidget

"What?" He asked. She smiled and grabbed his hand

"Nothing, I just realised I can kiss you now." He smiled and leaned forward, catching he lips in a loving kiss. When he pulled away he was grinning

"You can kiss me whenever you want, I don't mind" she hummed in response before jumping up quickly, Chris who was caught by surprise fell of the bed.

"What?" he asked, concerned

"I need to tell Talia" she said, running to grab her phone and pressing the button furiously before placing it to her ear and shouting down the phone about her new relationship with Chris. Chris just watched her intently, amazed that she had said yes to being his girlfriend but he was even more amazed that he had asked her out. He didn't know what the future held for the two of them, they were still recovering from the event that had brought them together, even if they had avoided it. They still had to figure out how to love each other and what that meant for them, she was leaving high school and he was nearly a fully qualified doctor but in that moment as Maddy told Talia that she had found the 'love of her life' Chris didn't care that they would still have many challenges to face. He realised that there was no one he would rather share them with, there was no one his life that he would rather spend every day loving and helping to because she was Maddy and he didn't know whether meeting her was fate or coincidence but he would sure as hell make it his destiny. It was with that happy thought that he spent the next couple of weeks answering to everyone's probing questions and concerns, he spent the next couple of weeks with the biggest grin on his face because he had chosen her. The girl whom had saved him and vice versa. The girl he loved.

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