page 21

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When they got to the park Jack ran towards the swings, Chris began to push him. Jack squealed in delight and demanded to go higher. Chris did as he asked and grinned. As he pushed Jack he began to think of Maddy. He knew he was flirting but he couldn't help it, it was all her fault. If she wasn't so easy to get along with Chris wouldn't be feeling the way he did. It didn't help that she was so pretty either, Chris smiled. He knew that he liked her, maybe more than a friend but he could never act on it. She would never feel the same.

Chris was interrupted from his thoughts when something warm tackled his hand. He looked down and Jack looked up at him toothily.

"Can we get an ice cream please?" He asked. Chris nodded,

"Can I have an ice cream with a flake and sherbet please?" The ice cream man smiled warmly at Chris and Jack, who was bouncing up and down on his heels. The ice cream man handed Jack his ice cream and Chris paid the man.

They sat down on a rickety old bench that bent slightly under their weight. When Jack had finished the cold treat he had ice cream smeared around his mouth. Chris laughed at his brother before using his sleeve to wipe Jack's mouth.

"You know I've never met anyone quite as messy as you"

"Mum said you were a messy kid too" Jack retorted. He didn't say anything in return and the sat in partial silence. A wind began to blow and Chris zipped up his coat.

"Come on you, looks like the weather's taking a turn for the worse" Jack jumped up and grabbed Chris's hand.

"Will Maddy be my sister?" Chris looked down.

"What do you mean?" he asked. Jack waited a minute before answering.

"Well you like-like her so I just assumed you'd like marry her" Chris took a step back and knelt down to face Jack.

"Who says I like her?" Jack laughed.

"You don't have to dummy, you look at each other the same way mum and dad look at each other."

"No we don't" he said childishly. Jack looked at him with expression that said 'really?' and Chris just clenched Jack's hand harder.

"I'm pretty sure I'd know if I liked her" Jack shook his head vigorously.

"Nu-uh love Chrissy, you love her and when you tell her you'll be K-I-S-S-I-N-G and soon I'll have a sister" he squealed.

Chris shook his head but carried on walking. Yet despite his protests he couldn't help but think Jack was right. Chris had dated other girls and had a lot of friends who were girls but none of them made him feel the way she did. With his girlfriend's most of what he felt was a physical attraction, some of them he did connect with but the relationship never lasted more than a few months. With any other girls he felt like a brother, he wanted to protect them but with Maddy he felt things on a whole other level. She was on his mind all the time and despite the short time they'd know each other she seemed to get him. It was stupid he knew that. Yet she connected with him, on more than just a physical level. It scared him because he knew he shouldn't feel that way and nothing could become of it. She was four years younger and he worked with her uncle but as they walked back to the hotel he couldn't help but let his mind wonder what would happen if he let his heart rule his head.

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