page 18

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When Chris woke up he took a few minutes to gather his bearings. When he realised were he was he also realised that Maddy and his friends weren't there. He figured they must have gone to breakfast. So Chris jumped in the shower, when he was done he put on some jeans and went into the bedroom to find his top only to find Maddy. She squeaked when she saw him topless. Chris quickly grabbed his top and put it on much to Maddy's relive because she didn't find him attractive. No she didn't notice how toned he was because friends don't notice things like that.
Chris on the other hand couldn't keep himself from staring at Maddy, she looked beautiful. Her ripped jeans and hoody complimented her well. It was only when she coughed he realised he was staring.
"So.... Morning?" She giggled.
"Morning.... we're waiting for you at the dining table by the way." Chris nodded and followed Maddy out the room.
They eat breakfast and discussed how to go about the day. When Emily and Sam finished they went upstairs whilst Maddy sat with Chris.
"So what's your mum and dad like?" Chris laughed.
"My dad was strict growing up and since I'm the eldest he was stricter on me. He told me he's proud though and he pays my rent to show it." Maddy smiled.
"Your mum?"
"she's funny, under the definition of wild and overprotective you'll find a picture of my mum."
"You have a brother don't you?" Chris's eyes lit up.
"Yeah he's amazing. He's ten, I remember him being born, right tiny thing he was. We were real close growing up, still are it's just the distance gets in the way but I still try to call every day. He's starting high school next year. He's seriously the most amazing brother, I remember moving here, Jack have me a ring. It was a plastic one he won in a vending machine ages ago but he loved it." Chris showed Maddy the necklace he was wearing, on the chain was a red plastic ring.
"He told me that if I had the ring, then I would always be with him and visa versa." Chris gushed.
He stopped.
"Sorry, I know its kinda weird." Maddy grinned.
"Nah it's kinda sweet." Chris smiled, then grinned.
"So what about you?, what's your family like?." Maddy frowned. She didn't have the best of family life as it was. Chris went to say that he was sorry but she just laughed.
" Nah its fine. My family history isn't the best but I've come to terms with it. My mum and dad divorced when I was thirteen after about two years of constant arguments. I spent a lot of time with my uncle Dave, which Is really kinda obvious since he treats me like a daughter. I found out my mum had cheated and I guess after I grew close to my dad, my mum and I grew apart." Maddy smiled sadly, waiting for the 'i'm sorry' yet all that happened was silence. Maddy wanted to leave, his silence was becoming awkward and she felt like She'd said to much. Finally Chris spoke.
"That's stupid, if that were my kid I wouldn't care if she got closer to my ex I'd fight for her. Maddy if she couldn't see how amazingly awsome you are then she never deserved you. Your dad fought for you and now he's got an amazing girl who he should be proud to call his daughter."
Maddy felt herself tear up and after a minute of trying to calm down she kissed him on the cheek.
"Thanks Chris.... that means a lot."
By the time Emily and Sam found them the dining room was pretty much empty and Maddy was laughing at Chris who was throwing chunks of bread in the air and trying to land them in his mouth. Emily smiled and looked at Sam.
"They've only known each other eight months and look at them" Sam chuckled.
"Yup, our little Christopher is whipped." Emily watched as Maddy attempted to poke Chris in the sides and smirked.
" Yeah he's not the only one."

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