page 13

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A month had passed since that day in the park. In that time Chris and Maddy had become close as friends. Chris had even met Maddy's best friend, Talia. Chris had to admit he looked back on the memory fondly.
Maddy and himself were relaxing on the trampoline in the back garden when a girl barged in. She had a Jean jacket, black jeans and a crystal skull top. Her bright pink timberlands thudded on the floor. After flicking her blonde hair she scanned the pair, cynically.
Suddenly Maddy got up and hugged her, her brown hair flying around her.
"Talia!" She screamed. Chris looked at the pair in confusion. Maddy withdrew herself and stood beside Chris. Talia looked at them again.
"So this is the knight in shining armour?" She asked. Maddy's face tightened.
" Talia shut.up" she screeched. Talia laughed and looked at Chris with admiration.
"I hate you, taking my best friend off me, promised we'd Skype everyday. Oh but no she decided to spend her time with you!." Chris felt himself relax.
"What can I say, I'm amazing." Chris said smugly. Chris's green eyes shone with mirth. Maddy smiled at the two.
When Talia settled on the trampoline, the three of them sat staring at the sky. They were silent until Maddy spoke up.
"It looks like a face" she stated. Chris suddenly started laughing. Talia stared at him in confusion and worry.
"Maddy we've been over this, not every cloud is a face!" Chris began. Maddy exhaled loudly.
"Chriiiis, stop being mean to me." Maddy complained.
"Oh I'm so sorry my dear I promise you I will never, ever take the Mick out of cou again oh how can I ever repay you?." Maddy pondered his question and an evil grin appeared on her face.
"Hmmm how about you erm.... Talia what do you think?" Talia perked at her name.
" Hmmm.... take your top off and run around in the road?" Chris smiled. He took his top off to reveal his muscled body. Maddy's mouth dropped, Talia looked at her friend in amusement.
Chris wondered out onto the road unaware of Maddy's staring.
He walked back from the road amused at the horrible dare. He found Talia and Maddy having a glaring match. He coughed and they stopped, choosing to look at him instead.
He fitcheted uncomfortably. Suddenly Talia's phone rang, she answered it. When she finished her conversation she sighed.
"Sorry dear best friend of mine, my brothers have decided they can not possibly survive without me." Maddy laughed.
"It's ok, Hey Chris can you give her a lift?" Maddy asked. Chris nodded and followed Talia out of the back garden. Both of them clambered into Chris's car. They rode in almost complete silence except for Talia telling Chris dierections.
When they finally arrived Talia unbuckled her seatbelt but remained seated. The air became thick with tension. Talia stared at her feet.
"You seem like a nice guy Chris I'll give you that. I know you and Maddy have become.... close. Yet I swear to God whether you're friends or otherwise, you break her, I break your legs." With that Talia got out and entered her house. Chris stared after her, he made a solemn promise not to get on the wrong side of Talia.

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