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When Chris got to Maddy's house he found her stood outside in the dark. He walked out to her, feet squeaking on the grass.
He found her tears had made tracks on her face. Without thinking he hugged her. To him she looked so lost and confused, he pulled back and looked her into the eye.
" I'm so sorry" she blurted out. Chris looked at her confused. He didn't say anything back, he just grabbed her hand and pulled her to the white door. Opening the door he pulled her in, after sitting her down on the couch he kneeled in front of her.
" I'm so sorry. You've been so nice to me and and I guess I should trust you. I dunno how.... I know I should've told you why I wanted to leave the other day.... i-i-i oh I'm sorry I'm crying and the whole situation is really ridiculous." She was cut off when Chris placed a tender hand on her face. The room went silent as he looked at her with pity.
"It didn't matter Mads, I was just annoyed that day nothing was going right and it really didn't matter." She shifted on the leather couch. His face beaded with sweat and he felt his stomach clench. Maybe he had overstepped a line. They really weren't close and yet they acted rather close. Maybe touching her face wasn't the right thing to do. Yet his worries were erased as the tips of her mouth lifted.
"Why... Why have you been so nice and stuff?" Chris blushed under her critical gaze.
"I don't know.... I guess its I feel like I need to in all honesty" she blushed at his answer.
"That doesn't scare you?" She asked. He shrugged,
"not as much as knowing that I left you behind in the dust." She wiped away her tears and laughed
"smooth" she said. He laughed with her, her laugh was a pleasure compared to the intense moment they had shared.
The night progressed and the next morning he found himself being woken up by his boss, on his bosses couch. As soon as he realised his predicament he shot up and began apologizing. Chris knew the situation was purely innocent but waking up with up with Maddy sprawled across him might give Dave the wrong idea. Maddy got up at the sound of Chris's voice and rubbed her eyes. When She realised how embarrassed Chris was she laughed.
The boys looked at her with concern.
"Uncle Dave I'm sorry, he came around last night because I called him. I understand that may be inappropriate but i.... I guess I just needed someone who was there." Chris looked at Maddy in her Scooby doo pyjamas and smirked. She was a lot different with her Uncle than she was with him.
"Well I trust you two. Maddy if you need him next time make sure it's not to have a sleep over ok?" Maddy nodded obediently.
Chris looked at his watch and began to panick. He was twenty minutes late to work. Glancing at the others he made a strangled sound.
"I'm late, sorry I have gotta go" he looked at Maddy softly. Maddy looked back at him, wishing he could stay. She looked at Dave.
"Can't he just have a day off?" She asked. Dave looked between the two and smirked.
" I'm sorry Maddy but when I joined I made a promise to help people, Can't do that if I'm not there." Chris said. He moved to hug her and she hugged him.
"Call me if you need me ok?" She nodded as Dave shook Chris's hand.
Chris ran out to the car and turned on the ignition. He drove away leaving behind a confused girl and a bemused uncle.

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