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Chris knew he'd done nothing particularly worth her anger. That's why he felt particularly lost, it didn't help that he'd been unable to sleep. Nightmares plagued his dreams. He dreamt it was Maddy who had died, he couldn't cope with the outcome.
When Sam had come around to check on him he took one look at his friends gaunt face and told him to pack a bag. Chris didn't protest.
When Emily saw Chris she all but burst into tears.
"Oh Chris what happened to you?" He couldn't speak. Emily seemed so upset and Chris couldn't believe after avoiding the world so he could try to process what was going on that his friends found out anyway.
So he told them. He told them that he'd done everything to avoid the situation. That he'd suffered a bad panic attack and his boss told him that he needed time to recuperate. He told them of the argument and how he'd had three more mini panic attacks. They listened intently and when he finished they told him everything would be ok and he didn't need Maddy. He disagreed. He did need her, when she was around he never thought negatively, he felt ok with her around.
Staying at Sam's house was great but they did everything to make sure Chris didn't do anything. He finally snook out when Emily went shopping. He went to the park to clear his head.
Staring out at the park, he felt at peace. He began drumming his fingers. A breeze rippled.
"Chris?" Chris turned around to face Talia and Maddy. He smiled faintly. Talia walked off to the ice cream truck. Maddy sat next to Chris.
"I was a bitch I'm sorry.... I didn't want to hurt you.... I went to find you to say sorry but every time I went to your house you weren't there. Dave told me that your boss is keeping you off work for 'personal reasons'. I'm so sorry" Chris didn't reply. He didn't want his voice to betray how hurt he was. Maddy got up to leave but Chris stopped her.
"I chose to be your friends... can we start over?." She looked at him confused. He held out his hand.
"Hi I'm Chris" she laughed.
"You are so corny but hi I'm Maddy" she shook his hand. Talia walked back with three ice creams. She handed Maddy and Chris the ice creams.
"You two made up yet?" They nodded.
"Good, can't have the OTP breaking up now can we?" Chris looked at her in confusion. Maddy chuckled,
"You read way to many fanfictions" Talia shrugged.
"I've also read you to, you should know by now I'm always right" Maddy just shook her head.
Over the next couple of weeks Maddy and Chris gradually got back to what they were. After a shaky introduction to Sam and Emily, where Emily yelled at her for a good five minutes they all made one big friendship group. Talia even hung out with them on most days.
Gradually, with Maddy helping. Chris had begun to come to terms with he fact that the attack wasn't his fault. Emily had taken him to a doctor who had given him things to help. Chris had begun having less panic attacks and had been allowed to gradually come back to work. Dave who still had no idea what had happened had tried to keep a eye on him whilst acting like he didn't care.
After a week back Maddy had decided It was time for Chris to meet her dad. She and Chris agreed avoiding Mr Parker wouldn't help. So as such Maddy and Chris went to go visit him.
Mr Parker sat upright a smile plastered on his face.
"Hello my boy I take you're the lad my daughter's been telling me about?" Chris nodded.
"All good I hope?" The older man gleamed.
"Oh yes, all good." They got into a conversation about sports after they stopped praising Chris. Maddy smiled, glad to see them getting along. The easy conversation was stopped when Dave appeared.
"Oh erm.... can I borrow Maddy for a sec?" Mr Parker glanced at Chris when Maddy left.
"Dave isn't to pleased with her. He's worried you too are up to something." Chris frowned.
"You're her father though, Maddy has been helping me that's all." Mr Parker studied Chris.
"I believe you, I raised my daughter to look after people." Chris smiled but stood up.
"I better go defend her, it's nice that you trust me" he offered Mr Parker a smile and walked out the room.
He heard Dave before he saw him. That authoritative tone that Chris had, more times than not been on the receiving end of.
"Uncle Dave we're friends what, am I not allowed to spend time with him?" Dave scowled.
"Not when it interferes with his work, you keep telling me he's ok but I have proof that says otherwise." They were beginning to draw a scene.
Chris walked towards them and placed a hand on his shoulder.
" Maddy go back to your dad I'll talk to Dave." Maddy did what he said.
Chris steered Dave into the staff room and sat him down.
"Really Dave, at work with Maddy. It's my problem you should've come to me!" Chris wasn't one to get annoyed easily but what Dave did was childish.
"Chris I'm your mentor and I'm worried" Chris sighed.
"If you must know, when Mr Parker woke up I suffered a panic attack. I began to blame myself for him being in a coma. I began to have nightmares and thanks to Maddy and my friends I'm better. The boss said so long as I got a doctors note saying I was fit for work, he would gradually let me back." Dave hung his head. Chris put a hand on his shoulder.
"Look I get it, you feel responsible for me but I'm ok." Dave smiled weakly.
Chris left Dave and went back to find Maddy. He found her and her dad talking animatedly about school. Maddy was saying about how the new teacher was horrible and Mr Parker was saying that one day education would mean nothing. Chris leaned on the door frame and smiled. This was normal now.

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