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Chris had honestly meant to concentrate on work but he couldn't. Last night's conversation played on his mind. He knew he felt something inside of him, he just couldn't decide whether or not it was friendship. His concentration spiralled down as the day went on. He was talking to Maddy's boss when a doctor walked in on him.
"Are you ok Chris?" he asked. Chris studied the doctor before nodding and continuing to look at the patient.
"Chris maybe you should go have a nap or something, your concentration isn't the best today" Chris shrugged. He knew he was tired after only a few hours' sleep on a surprisingly comfy couch. He looked up at the doctor.
"I know this is surprisingly unconventional but I didn't feel so good can I go home" Robert looked at Chris. He noticed how pale Chris was and how he looked like he was about to nod off on the chair he currently occupied.
"I'll have to ask the boss, it's very unconventional but with the trauma you went through I'm sure you'll be allowed" Chris looked at him and smiled.
"Thanks Robert, I owe you one." Robert laughed his red beard shaking as he laughed.
"Naw man just don't overdo yourself next time"

Chris smiled and nodded as Robert left.

When Chris got home he collapsed on his couch. After switching on the TV he was quietly lulled to sleep.

He was woken up by someone pounding on his door. He slowly got up and groaned.
"What" he screamed at the door as he fell off the couch. He got on all fours and stood up. When he opened his door two people barged in. The female began yelling at him. She stood tall as she gave Chris all fury.
".... Didn't think to tell us did you? No because the great and almighty Chris didn't think to tell us he's saved two people from dying oh no..." The boy stood against a wall and smirked.
"Chris you are so brave and stupid I thought you were just working. I thought you didn't have time to speak to us but oh no you were.... Were you were sleeping?" she said noticing the blanket strewn across the couch. Chris scratched the back of neck.
"Uh yeah, I was sent home, I was making false judgements. I hadn't had a lot of sleep last night I ended up falling asleep at Maddy's-"
The boy stepped forward. He smirked as he brushed his blonde hair.
"Maddy, eh what's this has our little Chrissy finally got a girlfriend." Chris blushed and began to protest but stopped when the girl began laughing.
"Oh.My.Gosh you got a girlfriend and didn't tell us?" she shrieked. Chris paled.
"NO she was- I- I- she was the girl I saved we kept running into each other. She rang me and was really upset so I went to her house and calmed her down. We fell asleep on Dave's couch that was it!" The girl with black hair laughed.
"Seriously guys she just needed someone, Sam I swear to god you say anything and I will decapitate you!." Sam laughed.
"Come on Chris you just happened to be the shoulder she leaned on and now you're being all defensive." Chris knew the battle was lost.
"Fine yes I admit it's a tad strange but nothing will happen she's nearly four years younger than me and we barely know each other." The girl looked at Chris's sad face and frowned.
"Why how old is she?"
"She's sixteen Emily" the room was silent. Sam took a step forward. "Well.... Age is but a number." He then went to go sit on the couch. Emily followed suit but sat on Sam's lap. After looking at Chris for approval they turned over the channel. Chris sat down next to them but blackness soon ensued as he fell back asleep.

Age GapWhere stories live. Discover now