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sunoo has been keeping an eye on his boyfriend, whose been quiet for the entire length of the car ride

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sunoo has been keeping an eye on his boyfriend, whose been quiet for the entire length of the car ride. he is very concerned about sunghoon, but he can't do anything right now since he doesn't know anything. so he'll simply offer him all the comfort he needs.

they arrived outside the huge mansion after a few minutes. sunoo had many questions, the first of which was why they lived in different houses.

but he set those concerns at rest to be addressed later with the help of sunghoon's cousins.

sunoo and sunghoon were left behind as jongseong and riki went inside first. sunoo took sunghoon's hand in his because he sensed the other boy's tenseness.

"everything's going to be fine, hoon," he said warmly, as the older smiled weakly and motioned for them to come inside.

they entered the house and found sunghoon's sister sitting on the couch in the living room, with jongseong caressing her back.

sunghoon called out to his sister, "mina noona." and when mina heard him, she ran up and hugged him.

"i'm glad you came, hoonie. i'm worried about dad."

sunghoon couldn't speak because he hadn't seen his father since they'd left. he caresses his sister's back, but he could feel her trembling and with that, he already knew mina was having a panic attack.

sunoo moved beside riki and jongseong so he wouldn't overhear what the siblings were saying.

sunghoon pulled away from the hug and bowed to a woman who appeared minutes later.

"sunghoon," the woman said before hugging him. "i'm glad you're here. would you like to eat-"

"i'm here for my father, jiyoung," sunghoon cuts off her sentence, which surprised her.

jiyoung, mina's mother, is well aware that sunghoon loathes her. she had been regretting it as well. she was sorry for having an affair with a married man and destroying their family.

she was still waiting for sunghoon and his mother to accept her apology.

jiyoung nodded and led sunghoon into mr. park's room. sunghoon's knees ached as he saw his father with an oxygen hose and dextrose attached to his body.

he despised the sight of it.

"your father," she paused, "his only wish was to see you today on his birthday, and i think it's time for you two to talk," jiyoung said, motioning for sunghoon to walk over to mr. park.

she then exited the room before slowly closing the door, leaving sunghoon and his father inside for their private conversation.

sunghoon was standing next to his father's bedroom. sunghoon chose not to speak up and instead looked at his sleeping father.

he then decided to wander around his room, where he came across picture frames containing his photos.

sunghoon could only smile as he looked at his pictures from grade school, his first skating competition, and their family photo with his mom and dad.

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