Make The World Quieter

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I sat in my cell. I missed gymnastics, I was good at it too. I walked to the hard mattress covered in rough fabric. I giggled as I tore the sheets off and tied them to the bars in the ceiling of my cage.

I stood back admiring my work. "This is gonna be fun" I chirped with a smile taking up most my face. I ran towards the sheets and tangled my legs in them, until they wrapped around me so I could hang upside down. I twirled down from the sheets and tried again until I could do it as elegantly as possible.

I hung from the sheets, the tips of my tangled hair almost touching the cement floor. I giggled as I heard hurried footsteps. Amanda Waller entered my cell and stood before the cage. "Are you the devil?" I asked dreamily as I felt blood rush to my ears.

She crossed her arms and looked at the floor, "maybe" she murmured. I giggled even more, flipping off the sheets and standing in front of the bars. "What is it?" I said as I ran towards the door of my cell. I began running my pale fingertips along the metal bars feeling the heat from the electricity coursing through them.

Amanda stepped closer with fury in her eyes, "you know we can always turn up the voltage". I bursted with  laughter  and stepped back giving her a mock salute. "Sorry boss, I'll be better behaved". I giggled even more until my throat felt dry. I gasped for air from my maniacal laugh as my eyes filled with tears.

"You have another meeting with Poison Ivy," she said looking bored. "No, I don't wanna see her," I said as I hung from the sheets again. Harley go see her, you can figure out what's going on. Or we could always lure Amanda Waller in the cell and wrap the sheet around her throat and wait until the life slowly drains from her. Then we would be free.

I giggled at the voice in my head and looked back at Amanda. "You will see her Harley, both of your behaviours have improved since the beginning of these meetings". Bullshit, there's something going on Harls, since when has your behaviour been good. "You will do as you're told, Harley Quinn". Oh this lady barely knows you, this is going to be fun. KILL HER, the voice screeched loudly.

I grabbed my head and fell to the cement "shut up, shut up, shut up" I repeated as Amanda continued to glare at me. Suddenly, I sat up and giggled in time with the throbbing sensation in my head. "Guards, take her to the meeting with Poison Ivy," she growled as she watched me.

The guards entered my cell with cuffs. Harley not again, do something, they are assholes. I laughed wickedly as I pulled on the sheets and wrapped them around one guard, stealing his baton. I attacked the other two until all three skulls were bashed in.

I looked at Amanda and cruelly smiled as I walked towards her. Suddenly, 20 guards rushed in, pushing me back and injecting me with a thick needle. My head rolled back as my vision began to blur.

I woke up on a cold cement floor. I quickly blinked until my vision cleared and I saw the face of a concerned Poison Ivy, who was kneeling beside me and staring down at me.

I slowly sat up and pulled on my handcuffs but they wouldn't move. "Harls, you can't attack guards," she said as she helped me stand. I wobbled a bit so she held my waist and steadied me. I tried to pull back but I was too weak so I accepted her help instead.

"Aren't ya supposed to be a bad guy, what do you care about guards," I said as I kept trying to pull off my hand cuffs. "I'm not a bad guy, Harley, I protect the environment, it's not my fault humans get in the way. I've never understood why people consider them to be valuable," she said as her hands left my waist and went to the hand cuffs.

I grumbled in annoyance. She smirked and pulled her hands away, "if your going to be like that, I'll leave them on, besides I can think of a billion ways we could have fun with these," she said as her finger hooked under the handcuffs.

She had an amused look in her eyes as she watched me struggle with the cuffs myself. I whined "Red, take them off". She stepped closer and grabbed my wrist with one hand and rested her other hand against my pale throat. "Say please," she said with a smirk.

I dramatically closed my mouth and shook my head. She gently pushed me back until I was against a wall. Her fingernails scraped against the skin at my throat as she looked down at me. "Now you have to say you're sorry and please," she growled.

I smirked with delight as I giggled "you're sorry and please". She rolled her eyes as I continued to smile. "That's not what I want to hear and you know it", she whispered as she leant down to my ear. She pushed her hips up against me as I let my head fall back.

"Fine, please can ya take these off", I said as I pushed her back and lifted my wrists. She smirked and gently took the metal cuffs off my wrists.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it?" Ivy said as she threw the cuffs on the floor and sat down. "Ya know your not as hot as you think you are", I said as I sat opposite her. Bullshit. "Shut up", I whispered.

Ivy laughed "I'm called the Mistress of Seduction for a reason, Harley". I looked up at her knowing this is my opportunity to find out more. "So you seduce people? Why?" I asked as I pulled out a stick of bubble gum and began to chew.

"Money, favours, leverage, information, torture, death" she listed. "Favours?" I questioned. "Yes, if I owe someone, they can ask me to seduce a person and find information about them, like their secrets or even just to kill them". "Why do you kill?" I ask with curiosity.

"People aren't worth much, not as much as you humans believe. In fact, all of you kill plants, why can't plants kill you?" She said with anger in her eyes. I blew a big bubble and it popped loudly, breaking the silence.

"Why do you kill?" Ivy asked. "The world's so loud and chaotic, sometimes ya have ta make it quieter", I replied as I began to fidget with the cuffs on the floor.

She pulled the cuffs away from me and lifted my chin up with her index finger until we made eye contact. I closed my eyes, feeling my jaw clenched. "Harley, look at me" she whispered as her hand creeped up my face, resting against my cheek.

I opened one eye to see her emerald green eyes staring back at me. She rolled her eyes and sighed. I giggled and opened both eyes, looking up at her. "I wish I could make the world quieter for you", she said as she ran her fingertips along my cheekbone.

I couldn't help but feel intrigued by her care. I blew another bubble before asking "why?" Ivy's hand left my cheek and reached down to clasp my hand. "I want to protect you, Harls. Trust me I know you don't need it, but I want to keep you safe", she said as her thumb ran along my knuckles.

Mista J never said anything like that to me, maybe Ivy cares. I looked back up at her emerald eyes then down to her lips. I wondered what they would taste like, until I felt myself leaning in.

Suddenly, alarms ran through the rooms of Arkham as every door swung open.

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