Maximum Arkham Security

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"Is it supposed to be green?" Jade said in panic as she looked at her dark green blood slicked hand. "Jade, focus on the road" I yelled as I grabbed the steering wheel and swerved an oncoming car. She eventually shook her head, focussing on the traffic, carefully navigating her way around cars until we arrived in her apartment. Bud and Lou raced out of the car and into the apartment as Jade stumbled towards them. "Wait, let me help ya" I called out as I held her arm and steadied her walking. "Harley, it burns" she responded as I carried her the rest of the way to the couch.

She had been sleeping on the couch while I was staying here so it was covered in blankets. She gently rested her head against the pillow as I paced the room. "What do I do?" I questioned as Jade groaned in pain. She eventually croaked out "bring me the first aid kit, I'll clean it". I ran towards the bathroom, retrieving the kit and coming back to the room. "Let me do it" I said as my pale hands slowly unzipped her suit, revealing the gun shot wound on her abdomen.

"Now you need to get those forceps and pull the bullet out" Jade instructed as she weakly pointed to the tools. "Okay, Jade, I'm sorry if it hurts" I said as my eyes met hers. I gently pushed the metal into the wound, hearing Jade groan in pain from the contact. I then felt the metal bullet click against the forceps. I carefully gripped onto the bullet with them and pulled it out. Jade's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she passed out in pain. Her face paled slightly as I tried to wake her up. I placed my hand against her cheek, gently shaking her and calling her name.

Slowly, her eyes fluttered open and she took a shaky breath. I gasped in shock, pulling her into my tight embrace. "Put p-pressure on it" she shakily said as she looked at her wound spilling blood onto my shirt. I quickly took it off and pressed the bundle of fabric against her side. She winced in pain as I applied more pressure. "It's okay, Jade, you're going ta be fine" I repeated over and over as I gently cupped her cheek. "H-Harley" she gasped in pain as I continued to reassure her. My icy eyes remained on her green ones as we stayed like that for a while.

Once the bullet hole had stopped bleeding I stitched it up and wiped away the dark green patches of dried blood with paper towel. "Okay, now I have to stand up so you can wrap a bandage around my waist" Jade said as she slowly began to stand. I held onto her hand, steadying her as she wobbled slightly. "Are ya gonna be ok?" I asked with concern as Jade tried to remove the top half of her outfit so I could bandage her. "Here, let me help" I said as my trembling hands carefully slipped the dark fabric over her shoulders until her jumpsuit pooled onto the floor.

I struggled to stop myself was glancing at Jade's body as I began to wrap the white bandage around her abdomen. "Tighter, Harls, it needs pressure" she said as her hand wrapped around my wrist, helping me to find the right tightness. Once I had finished I clipped the bandage in place and looked up at Jade. "T-Thanks, Harls" she responded as she packed away the first aid kit. "Why was ya blood green?" I asked as I glanced over at her. Bud and Lou followed us to the medicine cabinet in the kitchen as I threw them two raw steaks each.

"I don't know, probably something to do with Ivy's toxins" she replied with a sigh as she closed the medicine cabinet. "I need clothes" she muttered to herself as she walked to the bedroom as I followed closely behind her. "Here" she said as she threw me a t-shirt. "Really?" I responded in annoyance as I lifted up the grey t-shirt that read MAXIMUM ARKHAM SECURITY. Jade smirked as she said "yes, I think it'll suit you".

Reluctantly I pulled on the t-shirt and sat on the end of the bed as Jade found some sweatpants and a singlet. She then lay on the bed, her legs resting on my lap. "You're in my way" she laughed. "You could've gone on the other side" I squealed in annoyance, trying to hide my smile. "I always sleep on the left" she replied, keeping a serious face, even though I could see she wanted to smirk. "Oh, so ya thought we'd be sleeping together" I responded with a sly smile, enjoying the shock on her face.

"That's not what I meant" she frantically said, trying to regain her composure. "Are ya sure about that?" I chirped as I moved out from under her legs and crawled up the bed until I was face to face with her. I gently sat on her lap as I watched a blush form across her cheeks. I then caught her gaze as tension began to form between us. "I was worried about ya" I whispered as I moved closer to her. "It's my job to be worried about you, not the other way around" Jade replied as her arms loosely wrapped around my waist.

"Can't we be worried about each other" I questioned her as I rested my head on her shoulder, my face in her neck. "I don't want you to ever worry" she slowly said as she turned her face to drop a kiss on my forehead. I tilted my head up to meet eye contact with her. Her green eyes had darkened as my gaze flickered to her lips. "You can't stop me from carin', ya know" I whispered as I leant in. Jade followed my lead until our lips met.

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